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Nomadic women's health practice: Islamic belief and medical care among Kel Alhafra Tuareg in Mali (Publications)
Etude de la transmission et des aspects parasito-cliniques du paludisme en relation avec le rendement des paysans en zones d'agriculture vivrière... (Publications)
Health research in Central Asia - a neglected area for health systems strengthening (Publications)
Lay health workers in primary and community health care (Publications)
Long-term effects of life-time ambient ozone exposure on pulmonary function based on consideration of residential history and time-activity patterns (Publications)
Potential use of testate amoebae and other microorganisms living in mosses for bioindication of atmospheric pollution (NO2, heavy metals): studies... (Publications)
Health SWAP in Tajikistan: prospects and suggested next steps (Publications)
"Schmutzige Krankheit": HIV Stigma and discrimination among sub-Saharan African migrants living in Switzerland (Publications)
Lessons from malaria control activities in urban West Africa using a research - action - capacity approach (Publications)
Facing the human resource crisis in health development (Publications)