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The impact of research on policy: the case of stakeholder dialogues in development-oriented research (Publications)
Inhaled particulate matter and atherosclerosis in humans (Publications)
Does a clinician's sex influence treatment decisions? (Publications)
Losing the commons - fighting with magic: institutional change, fortress conservation and livelihood strategies of the Batwa, Kafue flats floodplain,... (Publications)
Psychiatric stigma across cultures: local validation in Bangalore and London (Publications)
Showcasing research products (Publications)
Bewegung und Adipositas (Publications)
Die Politik tut nicht, was wissenschaftlich geboten wäre. Gespräch mit Nino Künzli über Luftverschmutzung und Gesundheit. (Publications)
Troppo smog nelle città - ora agire subito (Publications)
Gene-environment interaction in extrinsic skin aging: the effect of traffic related pollution is modified by CYP1B1 gene polymorphism (Publications)