Fine-scale distribution of malaria mosquitoes biting or resting outside human dwellings in three low-altitude Tanzanian villages (Publications)
investigated the distribution of malaria mosquitoes biting or resting outside dwellings in three low-altitude villages in south-eastern Tanzania. The likelihood of malaria infections outdoors was also assessed [...] proportion of non-human blood-meals and absence of malaria-infected mosquitoes after 12 months of nightly trapping suggests very low-levels of outdoor malaria transmission in these villages. [...] BACKGROUND: While malaria transmission in Africa still happens primarily inside houses,...
Role of human Pegivirus infections in whole <em>Plasmodium falciparum </em>sporozoite vaccination and controlled human malaria infection in African... (Publications)
protection in African volunteers undergoing whole P. falciparum sporozoites-based malaria vaccination and controlled human malaria infections (CHMI). METHODS: HPgV-1 prevalence was quantified by RT-qPCR in plasma [...] levels among different populations pose a serious challenge to the development of an effective malaria vaccine. Co-infections are among many factors associated with immune dysfunction and sub-optimal
A systematic literature review of microscopy methods reported in malaria clinical trials (Publications)
Microscopy of stained blood films is essential for the diagnosis of malaria, differentiation of parasite species, and estimation of parasite density performed for assessments of antimalarial drug efficacy [...] the emergence or spread of antimalarial drug resistance. Although evidence-based guidelines for malaria microscopy methods exist, the age-old microscopy techniques for parasitological assessments are subject
Field efficacy of thermally expelled or live potted repellent plants against African malaria vectors in western Kenya (Publications)
effectiveness of live potted plants and thermal expulsion of plant materials in repelling African malaria vectors in traditional houses in western Kenya. METHODS: Ocimum americanum, Lantana camara and Lippia [...] Culicidae) (81.5%An. arabiensis Patton and 18.5%An. gambiae sensu stricto Giles), the main vectors of malaria in Africa, with the highest repellency by C. citriodora (48.71%, P < 0.0001) followed by an equal