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District-level data collection & use: paper prepared for the Independent International Commission on Health Research for Development (Publications)
Tanzania health and nutrition project: IDA pre-appraisal mission July 18 - August 5, 1989: short mission report for Swiss Development Cooperation... (Publications)
L'expérience sur les possibilités d'intégration de la lutte contre la schistosomiase dans les services de soins de santé primaires (Publications)
Malaria transmission and development of anti-sporozoite antibodies in a rural African community (Publications)
Synthesis and biological evaluation of new antimalarial isonitriles related to marine diterpenoids (Publications)
Black Smoke Analysen im Rahmen von SAPALDIA und SCARPOL : Praktikumsbericht (Publications)
Health project preparation mission Dolakha - Ramechhap - Sindhuli / Nepal, 10 January to 14 February, 1989 (Publications)
Gesundheitsziele für die Schweiz: Kurzfassung: Gesundheit für alle im 21. Jahrhundert (WHO Europa) (Publications)
New derivatives of 4-aminobicyclo[2.2.2]octanones and -ols as potential antiprotozoals (Publications)
Synthesis and evaluation of the antitrypanosomal and antiplasmodial activities of new 4-aminobicyclo[2.2.2]octane derivatives (Publications)