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Le dialogue comme outil d'amélioration de l'approvisionnement en eau potable (Publications)
<em>Schistosomiasis mekongi</em> control program 1996 : report of the activities Jan-July 1996 : results of operational research (Publications)
Livestock seromonitoring and human brucellosis in central Mongolia: applying the one health approach (Publications)
Les jeunes habitent la rue et la rue habite les jeunes (Publications)
Le rôle du chercheur - acteur dans les interactions entre les acteurs institutionnels et populaires (Publications)
Female genital schistosomiasis and human immunodeficiency virus infection: a systematic literature review (Publications)
Challenges in the diagnosis of lymphatic filariasis in Conakry, Republic of Guinea (Publications)
Inferring effectiveness from cluster randomized trials of vector control interventions against malaria (Publications)
Immunogenicity and safety of tetanus/diphtheria booster vaccine and hepatitis A vaccine in patients with rheumatoid arthritis, spondyloarthritis and... (Publications)
Ein Hormon im Wandel - der richtungsweisende Zukunftstrend: Einsatz von Erythropoietin zur Behandlung der Tumoranämie (Publications)