Health-related effects of repetitive activities (Publications)
Two hundred workers of the Swiss watch industry were examined in a study of repetitive work effects on the well-being of workers. Repetitive work has shown to have two main influences on well-being: R
Breast feeding money in Switzerland (Publications)
A mailed questionnaire was sent to all sickness-insurances on the subject of breast-feeding premium. 52% of the insurances replied, representing 90% of all insured persons. In 1976 23% of the mothers
Consumption of sweets and freedom from caries in Basle school children (Publications)
A sample of 1'838 school children of Basle, aged 8 to 14 years, who were examined by dentists of the school dental health service, attended at the same time a 24 hour recall interview on nutritional h
Smoking cessation in pharmacies: evaluation of the smoking cessation campaign "Tobacco adieu!" among pharmacists in Basel (Publications)
Now as in the past, tobacco consumption is a major health problem in Switzerland. Efforts to reduce tobacco consumption include different preventive strategies. Although dispensary pharmacists have in
Entwicklungsbedingungen und Entwicklungsstand von 10jährigen Basler Kindern (Publications)
Children from the "Basle Kindergarten Study" (born 1971-73) were re-examined during their 4th year of primary school, i.e. at the age of ten (1981-84) (Follow-up of a representative sample of 10% of a
Ernährungsinhalte in Basler und Berner Primarschulbüchern (Publications)
Since nutrition education is a topic to be introduced into primary teaching this study examines the contents of primary school books of the cantons of Basle and Berne regarding this matter. Direct nut
Das geplante "Datenschutz-Gesetz" - eine Bedrohung der medizinisch-epidemiologischen Forschung in der Schweiz? (Publications)
The draft of the new law on the confidentiality of personal data severely curtails medical and epidemiological research. This might be detrimental and dangerous to public health. The project therefore