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Risk assessment of extreme precipitation in the coastal areas of Chennai as an element of catastrophe prevention (Publications)
Developing sexual health programmes : a framework for action (Publications)
Comparison of clinical and environmental samples of <em>Legionella pneumophila</em> at the nucleotide sequence level (Publications)
Genomic analysis of pre-Columbian tubercolosis from the New World (Publications)
Des moustiquaires sauvent des milliers de vies (Publications)
Risk factors for child mortality in rural Tanzania (Publications)
Programme diversity is key to the success of insecticide-treated bednets (Publications)
Human trypanosomiasis: African and American trypansomiasis (Chagas disease) (Publications)
Evaluation of swedish support to the menstrual regulation programme of Bangladesh: June 2003 - June 2004 (Publications)
Managing postabortion complications in rural Uttar Pradesh, India: a qualitative study (Publications)