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Parasitic Worm Infections - Helminthiasis | Research at Swiss TPH (Page) -
Health in Detention | Swiss TPH Short Courses (Page) -
Spatial risk factor analysis and risk mapping of <em>Opisthorchis viverrini</em> infections in the Champasack province, rural southern Lao PDR (Publications)
Mental health and psychosocial well-being: collective coping in conflict-affected settings. A literature review (Publications)
Hepatitis B vaccination of HCWs: a seroepidemiological retrospective analysis in Switzerland (Publications)
Systematic review of tuberculosis control in Ethiopia with special emphasis on pastoralists: adaptation of DOTS for mobile pastoralists (Publications)
Psychologen und Psychologinnen im Regionalen Ärztlichen Dienst? eine qualitative Studie zur Untersuchung von Möglichkeiten und Herausforderungen (Publications)
Is it possible to limit the emergence of drug resistance? (Publications)
Drug susceptibility testing, HiV-coinfection and treatment outcomes in patients diagnosed with tuberculosis in lower income countries (Publications)
Characterization of<em> Leishmania donovani</em> and <em>Leishmania infantum</em> strains for drug discovery using mouse- and iPS cell-derived... (Publications)