Medicines Development | Research at Swiss TPH (Page)
Unit | Medicines Development Medicines Development Unit Genotyping Molecularimmunology The Medicines Development Unit (MDU) provides a range of research and development activities aiming to bring drug
Malaria Epidemiology and Control | Swiss TPH Research Groups (Page)
Group | Malaria Epidemiology and Control Health Interventions Analytics and Intervention Modelling Malaria Epidemiology and Control In the Malaria Epidemiology and Control group we focus on generating
Towards a Post-Donation Era in Parasitic Worm Control (Page)
“The worst form of inequality is to try to make unequal things equal.” – Aristotle Since the new millennium, we have seen the establishment and massive scale-up of deworming campaigns, facilitated by
Empowering Communities Through Nutrition: Aline’s Journey with the NICE Project (Page)
Aline Ayingeneye, a mother from Rubavu, Rwanda, faced the challenge of malnutrition when her son Moise fell seriously ill. This led her to the local health centre, where she was introduced to the NICE
FarmCo Uganda (Page)
FarmCo Uganda Occupational Risks, Health and Well-Being of Coffee Farmers in Mbale Region Study aim This study aims to investigate the self-reported physical and mental health and well-being of conven
Fighting Schistosomiasis through Research and Interventions in Pemba (Page)
Schistosomiasis continues to pose a serious health risk to communities on Pemba Island and across many other parts of the world. A new documentary produced by Swiss TPH and PHL-IdC provides an insight
Vaccination: A cornerstone of global health (Blog)
Vaccination has been one of the most powerful and transformative public health interventions in history. Over the past 50 years, vaccines have saved millions of lives, prevented the spread of deadly d
Discover the Postgraduate Programmes at Swiss TPH (Page)
Postgraduate Programmes at Swiss TPH: Excellence in Global Health and Management Embark on a transformative journey with Swiss TPH, a world-leading institute in global health with a history of teachin
Diagnostic en parasitologie médicale | Swiss TPH Short Courses (Page)
Diagnostic en parasitologie médicale Résumé Le paludisme et vers intestinaux causés par les helminthes sont d'une grande importance pour les voyageurs. Les cours de diagnostic en parasitologie médical
Diagnostikkurse in medizinischer Parasitologie | Swiss TPH Short Courses (Page)
Diagnostikkurse in medizinischer Parasitologie Überblick Malaria, Infektionen mit Darmprotozoen oder Erkrankungen durch Helminthen sind bei Reisenden von grosser Bedeutung. Die Diagnostikkurse in medi