"Pollen is beautiful ... but also quite annoying" (Blog)
More than 20% of Switzerland's population suffers from pollen allergies, and this number is steadily increasing. The impact of climate change on pollen and its effect on our health were explored by Ma
A novel barcoded nanopore sequencing workflow of high-quality, full-length bacterial 16S amplicons for taxonomic annotation of bacterial isolates and... (Publications)
Due to recent improvements, Nanopore sequencing has become a promising method for experiments relying on amplicon sequencing. We describe a flexible workflow to generate and annotate high-quality, ful
Society, Gender and Health | Research at Swiss TPH (Page)
Unit | Society, Gender and Health Society, Gender and Health Cancer Disparities Gender and Inequities Social Determinants of Health are responsible for 30-55% of disease outcomes (source: WHO: Social
Gesundheitsfolgenabschätzung (Page)
Health Impact Assessments Quantifizierung des Gesundheitsnutzens der neuen Luftqualitätsleitlinien der WHO in der Schweiz Zur Quantifizierung des Gesundheitsnutzens einer Einhaltung der WHO-Richtwerte
Turmhaus-Talks - Die Vortragsreihe für gesundes Reisen und Leben (Page)
Turmhaus-Talks Die Vortragsreihe für gesundes Reisen und Leben Entdecken Sie die Turmhaus-Talks: Eine spannende Vortragsreihe zu aktuellen Gesundheitsthemen! Ob Sie demnächst in die Tropen reisen, ein
Aktuelle Berichte (Page)
Recent reports EKL empfiehlt zum Schutz der Gesundheit Anpassung der Immissionsgrenzwerte Der Bericht der Eidgenössischen Kommission für Lufthygiene (EKL) empfiehlt basierend auf den WHO Air Quality G
Research Infrastructure at Swiss TPH | Excellence in Science (Page)
Research Infrastructure At Swiss TPH, our state-of-the-art research infrastructure supports transformative advances in global health. Our arthropod facility fosters innovation in vector biology and be
Excellence in Science | Research at Swiss TPH (Page)
Excellence in Science - Research at Swiss TPH Swiss TPH excels in scientific research in a wide range of fields, including parasitology, infection biology, epidemiology, public health, and health syst
World Malaria Day 2024: Work together and accelerate the fight! (Page)
Let me just share two examples, which show that progress is possible when people across cultures, sectors and systems work together to translate research into action and make a difference. The first e
Exposure to non-microbial N-Glycolylneuraminic acid protects farmers' children against airway inflammation and colitis (Publications)
BACKGROUND: Childhood exposure to a farm environment has been shown to protect against the development of inflammatory diseases such as allergy, asthma, and inflammatory bowel disease. OBJECTIVE: We s