Assessment of immune responses induced by influenza virosomes as antigen delivery system during a phase Ib malaria vaccine trial in Tanzanian adults... (Publications)
Structural and functional conservation of toll-like recepter 9 and characterization of cross-reactive monoclonal antibodies specific for leukocyte... (Publications)
Geographical patterns and predictors of parasitaemia risk and haemoglobin level: model-based mapping using the Zambia malaria indicator survey (MIS)... (Publications)
Quantification of key operational parameters of the Tanzanian National Voucher Scheme (TNVS) to protect pregnant women and infants against malaria (Publications)
Bionomics and ecology of Anophelines in the Namawala area (Kilombero District, Tanzania): a trial with impregnated bednets on the abundance and spects... (Publications)