Mainstreaming HIV and AIDS : experiences of a learning process on HIV and AIDS within German Red Cross : the infulence of a HIV competence programme... (Publications)
Mechanisms of drug resistance in <em>Trypanosoma brucei</em>: comparative genomics and phenotypic analysis of drug-sensitive and drug-resistant... (Publications)
Microbial source tracking with <em>Bifidobacteria, </em>rhodococci and multiresistant <em>Escherichia coli</em> to discriminate faecal contaminations... (Publications)
Micro epidemiological studies on Buruli ulcer disease: development and use of a new single nucleotide polymorphism typing method for <em>M.... (Publications)
Safety and tolerability of Nifurtimox - eflornithine combination treatment (NECT) against human African trypanosomiasis (sleeping sickness) in... (Publications)
Von der gutachterlichen Einschätzung zur IV-Rentenverfügung : eine qualitative Analyse der gutachterlichen Einschätzung der Leistungs- und... (Publications)