Climatic Services with Emphasis on the Andes in Support of Decisions Phase 2 (Projects)
Background The impact of climate variability on livelihood systems is currently gaining increasing scientific and public interest due to the ongoing debate on climate change. In this context, sustaina
Troubleshooting Support of Insurance Management Information System (IMIS) Software (Projects)
Background In the context of supporting the Ministry of Health in Nepal in building up a national social health insurance system SCIH facilitated the transfer of the “Insurance Management Information
Effects of engaging communities in decision making and action through traditional and religious leaders on fully vaccination rates; a cluster... (Projects)
Background Low vaccination rates continue to be a problem, especially for vulnerable and marginalised populations in the midst of weak routine vaccination services. There is need for interventions to
Health Facilities Autonomy, Kyrgyzstan, Phase I (Projects)
Background Since the mid-90s, Kyrgyzstan is in a process of health system reform, moving from the centralised, hospital-centred Semashko model towards a more rational, modernised health care system. T
Health Systems Support Project in the Great Lakes Region: Rwanda and Burundi (Projects)
In a region that has been affected by many long term regional and national crisis, the Swiss Cooperation funded project Santé Grands Lacs is aiming at improving the health status of the populations of
TB - Delay and TB-Knowledge Study (Projects)
Two studies will be performed in Switzerland: the first study will establish the patient delay (time from the onset of symptoms suggesting tuberculosis (TB) to the time the patient approached a health
External Mandate for the Swiss Intermediate Body (Fund Manager) of the Thematic Fund (Projects)
The public health system in Romania faces major challenges, despite considerable progress in recent years. Switzerland’s contribution to the enlarged EU therefore supports ongoing health reforms in a
Household Economics and Health Systems Research | Swiss TPH (Page)
Unit | Household Economics and Health Systems Research Household Economics and Health Systems Research Health Systems and Policy Household Health Systems The main objective of the Household Economics
World Tuberculosis Day 2021 (Page)
Koch’s ground-breaking discovery paved the way for improved control of TB. Indeed, the World Health Organization estimates that we could save 63 million human lives since the year 2000 thanks to vario