Medical anthropology in, of, for and with Africa: three hotspots (Publications)
Medical anthropologists offer an empirically rich and conceptually nuanced account of how and why people in Africa engage with diverse forces influencing their ways of experiencing illness and practic
wIRA: hyperthermia as a treatment option for intracellular bacteria, with special focus on Chlamydiae and Mycobacteria (Publications)
The emergence of antibiotic-resistant bacteria in the last century is alarming and calls for alternative, nonchemical treatment strategies. Thermal medicine uses heat for the treatment of infectious d
Tick-borne relapsing fever caused by <em>Borrelia persica </em>in traveler to Central Asia, 2019 (Publications)
We report a case of tick-borne relapsing fever caused by Borrelia persica in a traveler returning to Switzerland from central Asia. After the disease was diagnosed by blood smear microscopy, the causa
Case report: Diagnostic challenges in the detection of a mixed <em>Plasmodium vivax/ovale</em> infection in a non-endemic setting (Publications)
In clinical practice, mixed-species malaria infections are often not detected by light microscopy (LM) or rapid diagnostic test, as a low number of parasites of one species may occur. Here, we report
'Problem patients and physicians' failures': what it means for doctors to counsel vaccine hesitant patients in Switzerland (Publications)
This article reports on our qualitative inquiry into the meanings biomedically trained doctors in Switzerland attach to treating vaccine hesitant (VH) and underimmunized patients. With support from so
Who should decide for local health services? A mixed methods study of preferences for decision-making in the decentralized Philippine health system (Publications)
BACKGROUND: The Philippines decentralized government health services through devolution to local governments in 1992. Over the years, opinions varied on the impact of devolved governance to decision-m
Antiprotozoal activity of diterpenoids isolated from <em>Zhumeria majdae</em>- absolute configuration by circular dichroism (Publications)
PURPOSE: Zhumeria majdae, a unique species of the Zhumeria genus, is an endemic Iranian plant in the Lamiaceae family. Phytochemical investigation and biological activity of this plant are rarely repo