Open source drug discovery with the malaria box compound collection for neglected diseases and beyond (Publications)
would accelerate the finding of new starting points for drug discovery. The Medicines for Malaria Venture Malaria Box is a collection of over 400 compounds representing families of structures identified [...] in phenotypic screens of pharmaceutical and academic libraries against the Plasmodium falciparum malaria parasite. The set has now been distributed to almost 200 research groups globally in the last two [...] domain. This paper reports for the first time on 236 screens that have been...
The relative contribution of climate variability and vector control coverage to changes in malaria parasite prevalence in Zambia 2006-2012 (Publications)
BACKGROUND: Four malaria indicator surveys (MIS) were conducted in Zambia between 2006 and 2012 to evaluate malaria control scale-up. Nationally, coverage of insecticide-treated nets (ITNs) and indoor [...] on malaria parasite prevalence over this period. METHODS: Nationally-representative MISs were conducted in April-June of 2006, 2008, 2010 and 2012 to collect household-level information on malaria control [...] between IRS and ITN coverage and climate variability and malaria parasite...
A crossover study to evaluate the diversion of malaria vectors in a community with incomplete coverage of spatial repellents in the Kilombero Valley,... (Publications)
BACKGROUND: Malaria elimination is unlikely to occur if vector control efforts focus entirely on transmission occurring indoors without addressing vectors that bite outdoors and outside sleeping hours [...] Kilombero, Tanzania. The density of resting and blood-engorged mosquitoes and human blood index (HBI) of malaria vector species per household was measured among 90 households using or not using 0.03 % transfluthrin [...] non-users. The repellent coils did not affect An. funestus densities or...
The effect of mass mosquito trapping on malaria transmission and disease burden (SolarMal): a stepped-wedge cluster-randomised trial (Publications)
clinical malaria episodes were recorded in intervened clusters and 33 episodes in non-intervened clusters (adjusted effectiveness 40.8% [95% CI -172.8 to 87.1], p=0.5) during the roll-out. Malaria prevalence [...] unexpectedly low clinical incidence of malaria during roll-out led to an imprecise estimate of effectiveness from the clinical incidence data. The substantial effect on malaria prevalence is explained by reduction [...] mosquitoes indoors and outdoors. We assessed the effects of mass...
Mass mosquito trapping for malaria control in western Kenya: study protocol for a stepped wedge cluster-randomised trial (Publications)
of malaria threaten the efficacy of existing vector control tools used against malaria mosquitoes. The development of odour-baited mosquito traps has led to the possibility of controlling malaria through [...] mass mosquito trapping could be an effective tool for elimination of malaria. If proven to be effective, this novel approach to malaria control would be a valuable addition to the existing strategies of [...] through mass trapping of malaria vectors. Through daily removal trapping against...
Critical evaluation of molecular monitoring in malaria drug efficacy trials and pitfalls of length-polymorphic markers (Publications)
therefore calls for necessary amendments to the current WHO recommendations for PCR correction of malaria drug trial endpoints. Accuracy of genotyping outcomes could be improved by separate amplification
Assessing the effects of malaria interventions on the geographical distribution of parasitaemia risk in Burkina Faso (Publications)
nationally representative household malaria survey in 2010/2011. The survey collected among others, information on malaria interventions, treatment choices and malaria parasite prevalence in children aged [...] residual spray (IRS), artemisinin-based combination therapy (ACT) coverage associated with childhood malaria parasite risk at national and sub-national level, after taking into account geographical disparities [...] where interventions are being effective. These outputs are valuable tools...
Operational strategies of anti-malarial drug campaigns for malaria elimination in Zambia's southern province: a simulation study (Publications)
strategies for parasite clearance in southern province. METHODS: OpenMalaria, a discrete-time, individual-based stochastic model of malaria, was parameterized for the study area to simulate anti-malarial drug [...] BACKGROUND: Malaria elimination requires reducing both the potential of mosquitoes to transmit parasites to humans and humans to transmit parasites to mosquitoes. To achieve this goal in Southern province
Policy analysis for deciding on a malaria vaccine RTS,S in Tanzania (Publications)
stakeholders in Tanzania to assess malaria treatment policy changes and to draw lessons for malaria vaccine adoption. RESULTS: The decision-making process for adopting malaria interventions and new vaccines [...] policy makers and stimulate the decision-making process. In the case of the proposed introduction of malaria vaccines in Tanzania, a specific framework for decision-making will speed up the administrative process [...] Promoting factors include; epidemiological and intervention...