Genetic variability, differentiation, and founder effect in golden jackals (Canis aureus) from Serbia as revealed by mitochondrial DNA and nuclear... (Publications)
We analyzed 121 golden jackals (Canis aureus) from six sample sites in Serbia with regard to genetic variability and differentiation as revealed by mitochondrial control region sequences and eight nuc
Spatially aggregated clusters and scattered smaller loci of elevated malaria vector density and human infection prevalence in urban Dar es Salaam,... (Publications)
BACKGROUND: Malaria transmission, primarily mediated by Anopheles gambiae, persists in Dar es Salaam (DSM) despite high coverage with bed nets, mosquito-proofed housing and larviciding. New or improve
Match-making for pasaconazole through systems thinking (Publications)
Currently available drugs for Chagas' disease are limited by toxicity and low efficacy in the chronic stage. Posaconazole, the most advanced new anti-chagasic drug candidate, did not fully confirm its
Synthesis of 3-azabicyclo[3.2.2]nonanes and their antiprotozoal activities (Publications)
Several bicyclic compounds, 3-azabicyclo[3.2.2]nonanes, have been prepared. The new compounds were tested for their activities against one strain of the causative organism of Malaria tropica, Plasmodi
Use of sap flow measurements to validate stomatal functions for mature beech (<em>Fagus sylvatica</em>) in view of ozone uptake calculations (Publications)
For a quantitative estimate of the ozone effect on vegetation reliable models for ozone uptake through the stomata are needed. Because of the analogy of ozone uptake and transpiration it is possible t
Evaluation of portable microscopic devices for the diagnosis of Schistosoma and soil-transmitted helminth infection (Publications)
SUMMARY The diagnosis of parasitic worm (helminth) infections requires specialized laboratory settings, but most affected individuals reside in locations without access to such facilities. We tested t