Malaria Trends in DRC (News)
country, the study observed a sharp increase of confirmed malaria cases after the introduction of rapid diagnostic tests which detect evidence of malaria parasites in human blood. Population coverage across [...] distribution of long-lasting insecticide treated bed nets. Presumptive malaria cases that were treated could be reduced but malaria positivity rate revealed no declining tendency. Swiss TPH therefore recommends [...] continuing to support key interventions especially in provinces with...
New chemical compound shows promising results against drug-resistant malaria parasites (News)
Treating malaria is a global challenge. Resistance against artemisinin-based combination therapies has recently been detected in Southeast Asia, threatening the impact of standard therapies on malaria. Developing [...] chemical class of antimalarials has been registered in the last 20 years. About Malaria Every 30 seconds, a child dies of malaria. This disease costs Africa 12 billion dollars (US) a year in health-care costs [...] active against P. falciparum and P. vivax – the parasites...
Changes in Mosquito Behaviour Could Result in Millions of Additional Malaria Cases (News)
Countries have substantially reduced the number of malaria cases and deaths since 2000. However, progress has stalled in recent years with an increase in malaria cases and deaths reported in sub-Saharan Africa [...] vector control interventions to prevent malaria transmission, however, they primarily protect against mosquito bites when people are indoors. 12 million additional malaria cases to be expected A new study found [...] London, the University of Surrey, the U.S. President's Malaria...
New Findings on Malaria Vaccine (News)
with low malaria transmission (Bagomoyo in Tanzania) and two areas with high malaria transmission (Nanoro in Burkina Faso and Kintampo in Ghana). Less effect if children have been exposed to malaria before [...] Carlota Dobaño from ISGlobal. The results also indicate that when a child has already been exposed to malaria (and therefore has anti-CSP antibodies), the protective effect of the vaccine is lower. “This suggests [...] “This research will help to understand the determinants of desired...
Two Decades of Swiss Leadership for New Malaria Medicines (News)
for a future without malaria There have been huge strides in the fight against malaria in the last two decades. However, the World Malaria Report 2018 indicates the reduction of malaria cases stalled between [...] fight against malaria remains comprehensive and impactful.” Celebrating achievements and outlook to future Swiss engagement In commemoration of World Malaria Day 2019, SDC and the Swiss Malaria Group (a network [...] research Switzerland has a long history of leadership and engagement...
Need for Innovation to End Malaria (News)
in Malaria MalERA Refresh, which updates the first Malaria Eradication Research Agenda (malERA) of 2011, is the result of a two-year consultative process involving more than 180 scientists, malaria programme [...] in the Fight against Malaria Has Stalled MalERA Refresh responds to challenges highlighted in the World Malaria Report 2017 published yesterday by WHO: While the number of malaria cases decreased significantly [...] To accelerate the fight against malaria and address current...
A milestone in the fight against malaria (News)
that can infect the malaria mosquito and thus ensure that the parasite is transmitted to other people. Mystery solved Scientists have been speculating for years about how the malaria parasite regulates [...] Malaria parasites are both dangerous and versatile. On entering the human bloodstream, they multiply exponentially. The blood stages of the infection cause all the complications associated with this d [...] journal Cell on 9 November 2017. “For the first time ever, we have been able to...
New Mosquito Net reduces Malaria Cases (News)
years of age. About malaria Malaria is an infectious disease caused by Plasmodium parasites. The parasites spread to people through the bites of infected female Anopheles mosquitoes. Malaria still causes a [...] were published yesterday in the The Lancet. Addressing malaria through combination bed nets The clinical trial showed that the number of malaria cases was reduced by 12% with the new type of bed net compared [...] effective intervention against malaria. Continued research and development...
Molecular Signatures can Predict the Efficacy of Malaria Vaccines (News)
immunized with the most advanced malaria vaccine (Mosquirix or RTS,S) and another experimental malaria vaccination approach targeting also the pre-erythrocytic stage of malaria. Combining genomics with data [...] individuals, suggest there are common protective responses against malaria," says Carlota Dobaño, study coordinator and head of the Malaria Immunology Group at ISGlobal. "The results also confirm the potential [...] surrogates to determine the efficacy of these and other malaria vaccine...
World Malaria Day 2020: Urgent Action Is Critical to Save Lives (News)
COVID-19 pandemic. The Swiss Malaria Group, together with the internationally united actors of the RBM Partnership to End Malaria, is therefore calling for action to end malaria: We must protect the lives [...] age of 5 in malaria-affected countries, provide life-saving tools to fight malaria and ensure access to treatment. To do this, we must close the annual funding gap of USD 2 billion for malaria. Stronger [...] technologies to help us counter malaria and other deadly diseases. Switzerland's...