Ivermectin dosing strategy to achieve equivalent exposure coverage in children and adults (Publications)
Ivermectin is a commonly-used broad-spectrum antiparasitic drug, yet doses that produce consistent exposure coverage across age have not been characterized and no data are available in children
Antibiotic-resistant <em>Escherichia coli</em> in drinking water samples from rural Andean households in Cajamarca, Peru (Publications)
Antibiotic resistance in pathogenic bacteria is a serious public health issue. The growing threat is a cause for concern and action to prevent the emergence of new resistant strains and the spread of
Safety and differential antibody and T-cell responses to <em>Plasmodium falciparum</em> sporozoite vaccine by age in Tanzanian adults, adolescents,... (Publications)
In 2016, there were more cases and deaths caused by malaria globally than in 2015. An effective vaccine would be an ideal additional tool for reducing malaria's impact. Sanaria((R)) PfSPZ Vaccine, com
A blind passenger: a rare case of documented seroconversion in an <em>Angiostrongylus cantonensis</em> induced eosinophilic meningitis in a traveler... (Publications)
Background: Eosinophilic meningitis (EOM) is a rare condition that is caused by various communicable and non-communicable factors. The rat-lungworm Angiostrongylus cantonensis, which is associated wit
Sonography to rule out tuberculosis in sub-Saharan Africa: a prospective observational study (Publications)
Background: Patients with suspected tuberculosis are often overtreated with antituberculosis drugs. We evaluated the diagnostic value of the focused assessment with sonography for HIV-associated tuber
The Early Growth Genetics (EGG) and EArly Genetics and Lifecourse Epidemiology (EAGLE) consortia: design, results and future prospects (Publications)
The impact of many unfavorable childhood traits or diseases, such as low birth weight and mental disorders, is not limited to childhood and adolescence, as they are also associated with poor outcomes
Socioeconomic position, lifestyle habits and biomarkers of epigenetic aging: a multi-cohort analysis (Publications)
Differences in health status by socioeconomic position (SEP) tend to be more evident at older ages, suggesting the involvement of a biological mechanism responsive to the accumulation of deleterious e