Malaria prevention strategies and recommendations, from chemoprophylaxis to stand-by emergency treatment: a 10-year prospective study in a Swiss... (Publications)
There are several possible malaria prevention strategies for travellers. In Switzerland, chemoprophylaxis (CP) is recommended for persons visiting areas highly endemic for malaria and stand-by emergency treatment [...] fic malaria preventive recommendations provided and medicines prescribed over time were analysed. Results: In total, 64 858 client-trips were recorded. 91% of travellers planned to visit a malaria endemic [...] treatment (SBET) for areas with moderate to low risk. Objective: To...
Controlled human malaria infection leads to long-lasting changes in innate and innate-like lymphocyte populations (Publications)
clinically silent. To overcome this limitation, we examined blood samples from a controlled human malaria infection (CHMI) study in a Tanzanian cohort, in which volunteers underwent CHMI with a low or high
Bayesian spatio-temporal modeling of mortality in relation to malaria incidence in western Kenya (Publications)
between malaria transmission intensity and all-cause/malaria mortality. This offers a quick and efficient way to monitor malaria burden. Excess mortality estimates indicate that small changes in malaria incidence [...] spatio-temporal survival models to investigate the relation between mortality (all-cause/malaria-specific) and malaria incidence across all age groups. The analysis adjusted for insecticide-treated net (ITN) [...] positive association with malaria-specific mortality in young...
The contribution of malaria control interventions on spatio-temporal changes of parasitaemia risk in Uganda during 2009-2014 (Publications)
BACKGROUND: In Uganda, malaria vector control interventions and case management with Artemisinin Combination Therapies (ACTs) have been scaled up over the last few years as a result of increased funding [...] children less than 5 years old and coverage of interventions was collected during the first two Malaria Indicator Surveys (MIS) conducted in 2009 and 2014, respectively. In this study, we quantify the [...] the North-East region to 100% in Kampala region. The estimated number of children...
Malaria case management by community health workers in the Central African Republic from 2009-2014: overcoming challenges of access and instability... (Publications)
infectious diseases, including malaria. As a response, in 2008 an international non-governmental organization started a network of community health workers (CHWs) in the highly malaria-endemic region of northwest [...] hence different stages of conflict and unrest. Several indicators were measured over time, including malaria rapid diagnostic test (RDT) positivity rates, CHW reporting rates, and malnutrition indicators. RESULTS: [...] nearly 200,000 people who consulted a CHW during this period,...