Social networking site use in young adolescents: association with health-related quality of life and behavioural difficulties (Publications)
Despite Social Networking Sites (SNS) having a minimum age of 13, younger adolescents are using them. In this study, we examine self-reported overall SNS use and SNS use if awake at night in relation
Colloidal transformations in MS2 virus particles: driven by pH, influenced by natural organic matter (Publications)
Enteric viruses, such as enterovirus, norovirus, and rotavirus, are among the leading causes of disease outbreaks due to contaminated drinking and recreational water. Viruses are difficult to remove f
Estimation of dog population and dog bite risk factors in departments of San Pedro and Bouake in Côte d'Ivoire (Publications)
Rabies is endemic in Cote d'Ivoire and was identified in January 2017 as a priority zoonosis by all stakeholders in public health. A well-designed integrated national rabies control is essential to at
Dog-assisted therapy in neurorehabilitation of children with severe neurological impairment: an explorative study (Publications)
BACKGROUND: Dog-assisted therapy (DAT) is increasingly applied in neurorehabilitation of patients with severe neurological impairments. To date, there are only anecdotal reports investigating its effe
The haemochromatosis gene Hfe and Kupffer cells control LDL cholesterol homeostasis and impact on atherosclerosis development (Publications)
AIMS: Imbalances of iron metabolism have been linked to the development of atherosclerosis. However, subjects with hereditary haemochromatosis have a lower prevalence of cardiovascular disease. The ai
<em>In vitro </em>drug efficacy testing against <em>Trypanosoma brucei</em> (Publications)
The recent endorsement of fexinidazole by the European Medicines Agency for the treatment of human African trypanosomiasis has demonstrated the high predictive value of cell-based assays for parasite
Model-based integration of genomics and metabolomics reveals SNP functionality in <em>Mycobacterium tuberculosis</em> (Publications)
Human tuberculosis is caused by members of the Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex (MTBC) that vary in virulence and transmissibility. While genome-wide association studies have uncovered several mutat
Accuracy of the sedimentation and filtration methods for the diagnosis of schistosomiasis in cattle (Publications)
Infection with blood flukes of the genus Schistosoma causes considerable human and animal morbidity, mortality and economic loss to the livestock industry. Current diagnostic tools have limitations. I