Swiss TPH - PhD Survey 2021 Phase 1 (Projects)
Doctoral students make a significant contribution to the scientific project and publication activities of the Swiss TPH. In order to further develop and continuously improve the working conditions for
Survey on customer satisfaction and improvement potential of the Swiss TPH Administration (Projects)
Um die Dienstleistungen der Administration konsequent auf die Bedürfnisse der Mitarbeitenden auszurichten, wurden zwischen 2015 und 2017 drei Querschnittbefragungen zur Zufriedenheit mit den administr
Genotype-Informed Versus Empiric Management Of VirEmia: an Open-Label Randomised Clinical Trial (Projects)
Background HIV-1-positive children and adolescents receiving antiretroviral therapy (ART) suffer high rates of treatment failure, predominantly caused by poor adherence to therapy and/or viral drug re
Are Clinical Decision Support Systems the future? (Page)
Hi Talia, hi Fenella, thanks for joining us today! Please tell us a little about your work at Swiss TPH. As Coordinator for Clinical Decision Support Systems (CDSS) and Head of the Digital Health Unit
Tuberculosis – time to act decisively! (Page)
TB - some global facts Globally, more than 10 million people develop TB each year; 10.1 million people in 2020, 10.6 million people in 2021 (incidence; WHO estimates). And 1.6 million people died from
Non-Communicable Diseases | Swiss TPH (Page)
Non-Communicable Diseases Dual Burden of Disease Exposome Science Human Biomonitoring Physical Activity Promoting Well-Being through the Life Course Urban Health Non-Communicable Diseases: A Major Bur
Delivering an integrated decision analysis, monitoring & evaluation infrastructure to support more effective and responsive child and youth mental... (Projects)
Mental illness in early life can have a devastating effect on the social, educational and economic future of young people, which in turn influences the mental wealth of countries across the globe. Wit
World Tuberculosis Day 2023: Yes! We can end TB! (Page)
Sebastien Gagneux "I chose to focus my research on TB because it has been one of the world’s most important infectious diseases for thousands of years and still is today. We study the diversity of TB
COVID-19 Testing | Centre for Tropical and Travel Medicine of Swiss TPH (Page)
COVID-19 Testing COVID-19 Testing for People Without Symptoms The Centre for Tropical and Travel Medicine of Swiss TPH offers the following SARS-CoV-2 tests for asymptomatic individuals age 6 years an