The useful life of bednets for malaria control in Tanzania: Attrition, Bioefficacy, Chemistry, Damage and Insecticide Resistance. (Projects)
life of bednets for malaria control in Tanzania: Attrition, Bioefficacy, Chemistry, Damage and insecticide Resistance. Long-Lasting Insecticidal Nets (LLINs) are the front line malaria vector control tool [...] practice for the maintenance of high and cost-effective coverage and to maximise current gains in malaria control. We will make the data available to stakeholders including NMCP and their collaborators:
Understanding heterogeneities in the epidemiology of malaria in Papua New Guinea (Projects)
Background Malaria has been endemic across most parts of Papua New Guinea (PNG) at endemicity levels comparable to sub-Saharan Africa. The National Malaria Control Program (NMCP) has managed to substantially [...] impact of malaria control interventions and underlying secular trends. Drivers of change, and reasons for differences between sites will be investigated. 2) Geo-referenced data on clinical malaria cases will [...] ongoing mathematical modelling of heterogeneities in malaria dynamics at...
Estimating the extent, patterns and consequences of heterogeneity in malaria dynamics (Projects)
Background The uneven distribution of malaria is apparent on a small scale, within a single study site or even cluster of houses. Transmission varies with mosquito densities related to breeding sites, [...] relatively high transmission, have been identified. Heterogeneity has implications for many areas of malaria epidemiology, not least the design of intervention strategies. Whilst the existence of heterogeneity [...] heterogeneity, and inform the design of control strategies and the...
NETCELL Phase 5 - Core support to the National Malaria Control Programme in Tanzania (Projects)
Since its inception in 2002 the NETCELL Project has played a key role in supporting the National Malaria Control Programme (NMCP) of the Tanzanian Ministry of Health and Social Welfare, by managing the [...] Insecticide Treated Net (NATNETS) Programme. Over 200 million dollars of international donor funding for malaria prevention have been leveraged for the MoHSW in the past decade, and the NATNETS programme has been [...] focus on technical advice and strategic support; 2) an extension of...
PATH - MVI Malaria Vaccine Modeling: Service Agreement (Projects)
Swiss TPH is carrying out simulations of the public health impact of the RTS,S malaria vaccine, with the support of PATH-MVI. The work involves simulation of the impact of adding vaccines in the context [...] countries in sub-Saharan Africa, taking into account contextual factors such as the distributions of malaria transmission intensities. Vaccine profiles are based on field data from Phase III trials of RTS,S
Developing a modelling framework for malaria transmission prevention tools (Projects)
to target these new malaria interventions, become more important. B y using mathematical models, this project will provide evidence to understand determinants of transformative malaria tools that interrupt [...] Following years of investment in strategies to control malaria, elimination is now being considered. But optimal delivery strategies and profiles for new tools for elimination differ from those of disease [...] project will inform setting of Target Product Profiles for novel prevent...
Global Malaria Technical & Training Support Package - phase 2 (Projects)
aims at influencing global malaria policies and implementing WHO and Roll Back Malaria Partnership strategies to regional and country levels, with a focus on vector control, malaria case management, promoting [...] g technical capacities. The aim is to improve malaria program’s performance at country level ultimately to reduce the malaria burden and to expand malaria-free zones according to global goals set by WHO
Movement rates of African malaria vectors and their implications in models of vector control interventions (Projects)
Movement rates of African malaria vectors and their implications in models of vector control interventions.