Scientifically Proven: Air Pollution Harms Health (News)
Last week, an assessment by a group of just over 100 lung physicians reopened a discussion on the health benefits of the current air quality standards. Under the leadership of the lung physician Diete
Buruli Ulcer: Promising New Drug Candidate Against a Forgotten Disease (News)
Buruli ulcer - one of the most neglected among the NTDs - is a debilitating and stigmatising disease. Affecting mainly children in West and Central Africa, the chronic disease results in devastating s
SNSF Professorship Awarded to Melissa Penny (News)
“I’m excited that the SNSF will invest in my research, giving me the possibility to expand my group and pursue new directions,” said Penny. “With our work, we want to make the development of new medic
Open Source Health Insurance Initiative at DayOne Conference (News)
Every year, more than 150 million people face healthcare expenditures that are so high in relation to available income that they have a catastrophic effect on a household's financial well-being. In th
International Youth Day 2018 – Safe Spaces for Youth (News)
There are currently 1.8 billion young people between the ages of 10 and 24 years in the world. This is the largest youth population ever. International Youth Day 2018 emphasises the need of safe space
50 years of Papua New Guinea Institute of Medical Research (News)
From 28 to 31 August 2018, the Papua New Guinea Institute of Medical Research (PNGIMR) is celebrating its 50th anniversary, bringing together local and international researchers to discuss challenges
Fostering Research Productivity in Côte d’Ivoire (News)
The research productivity of a country can be measured by the number of peer-reviewed and internationally referenced scientific publications per population. In Côte d'Ivoire, the amount of publication
Wissenschaftliche Argumente für eine Elternzeit (News)
Die Hälfte der OECD-Länder gewährt ihrer Bevölkerung eine Mutterschafts- oder Elternzeitdauer von mindestens 43 Wochen. Mit dem nur 14-Wochen langem gesetzlich geregelten und bezahlten Mutterschaftsur
Accreditation Programme for Midwifery Education (News)
MEAP will not only serve as a quality label but has the potential to enable consistency of midwifery education processes and graduate outcomes globally. In addition it bears the opportunity to identif