High Prevalence and Incidence of Hypertension among Africans Living with HIV (News)
Many countries in sub-Saharan Africa are facing an unprecedented epidemic of both infectious and non-communicable diseases. This ‘double burden of disease’ represents a major strain on already under-r
Improving the Quality of Care in Tajikistan through Medical Education (News)
Tajikistan: a country rebuilds Since Tajikistan gained independence in 1991, much has been done to move away from the heavily centralised and specialist-focused healthcare system that existed in the S
Air Pollution and Noise Increase Risk for Heart Attacks (News)
Where air pollution is high, the level of transportation noise is usually also elevated. Not only air pollution negatively impacts health, but also car, train and aircraft noise increases the risk for
University of Basel and ETH Zurich Combine Cutting-Edge Research for Children and Adolescents Worldwide (News)
The BRCCH operating institutions are the University of Basel and ETH Zurich. The Research Centre's network also includes partner institutions such as the University Children's Hospital of Basel and th
Accelerated Research and Development Needed to End Malaria (News)
The expert group’s report also flags the urgent need for progress to advance universal health coverage and improve access to services and better surveillance to guide a more targeted malaria response.
Malaria Mortality in Africa May Be Higher than Estimated (News)
To estimate the number of deaths caused by malaria, different methods and data sources have been utilised. Most studies to date, however, have not taken into account indirect deaths from malaria such
Eier der Tigermücke in Basel gefunden (News)
Ende Juli 2017 wurden an zwei Orten im Kanton Basel-Stadt Eigelege der Asiatischen Tigermücke gefunden. Die Fundorte befinden sich auf dem Friedhof Wolfgottesacker sowie nahe des Autobahnzolls an der
Sleeping Sickness Elimination at a Crossroads (News)
Sleeping sickness is a vector-borne parasitic disease caused by infection with protozoan parasites belonging to the genus Trypanosoma. They are transmitted to humans by bites of tsetse flies that have
Coalition Launched to Accelerate Research on the Prevention and Treatment of COVID-19 in Low- and Middle-Income Countries (News)
In a Comment published today in The Lancet , the members of the coalition argue that international research collaboration and coordination is needed urgently to support African, Latin American, Easter
Swiss TPH Doctors Support the University Hospital Basel in Fight against COVID-19 (News)
The rush to the Prediger church, just next to the University Hospital of Basel (USB), is considerable: hundreds of people are tested daily for the new lung disease COVID-19. The Corona Test Centre was