Evaluation of the Papua New Guinea National Malaria Control Program, 2015-2017 (Projects)
AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria for the implementation of its malaria control program for the period 2015-2017. A range of partners are involved in the implementation of malaria control interventions ( [...] Against Malaria (RAM) and Population Services International (PSI) . The Papua New Guinea Institute of Medical Research (PNGIMR) has provided outcome and impact evaluation for the National Malaria Control
Preclinical profiling of virosomally formulated B-cell epitope mimetics derived from the novel key malaria vaccine candidates CyRPA and RH5 (Projects)
Clinical testing of two components for a synthetic peptide-based virosomal malaria vaccine has yielded promising results, encouraging the search for additional components for inclusion in a final multivalent
Impact of systems failures in malaria service delivery in Africa (Projects)
evaluate effective coverage of malaria curative interventions in Sub-Saharan Africa. We quantify excess morbidity and mortality induced by sub-optimal distribution of malaria services incorporating, among [...] Malaria treatment provides individual benefits by curing infection and preventing progression to severe disease. Treatment also provides community-level benefits by reducing the infectious reservoir. However [...] ent and the extent of health benefits achieved by such care, thus has...
Understanding the human, parasite, vector and environmental interactions driving residual malaria transmission in Papua New Guinea (Projects)
The scale-up of malaria control in Papua New Guinea (PNG) has resulted in a significant reduction in the nationwide prevalence and incidence of malaria. However, this effect has not been uniform across [...] address this knowledge gap by: measuring the prevalence and distribution of malaria infection to assess the magnitude of residual malaria at the time of study, studying the Anopheles vectors to characterize local [...] heterogeneity in malaria transmission and the its driving factors is...
Malaria Course in Tanzania and Laos (Projects)
activities in the field of malaria. To improve skills in time management, presenting, writing research proposals. At the end of the course, the participants should be able to manage malaria issues more effectively [...] A four-week postgraduate course on malaria prevention, control & elimination. Course objectives are: Building capacity by reinforcing knowledge and expertise of persons involved in the care of patients
Exploring seasonal malaria transmission dynamics and patterns of drug resistance: a molecular epidemiology study in two border areas of Côte d'Ivoire... (Projects)
Health Organization (WHO) recommended seasonal malaria chemoprevention (SMC) in areas of high seasonal malaria transmission in the Sahel subregion to prevent malaria in children under five years of age. Burkina [...] the ten countries with the highest malaria burden in the world. Transmission in Burkina Faso and northern Côte d’Ivoire is highly seasonal and intense. In general, malaria infections peak during the wet season [...] during the dry season, which is largely unsuitable for malaria...
Global Malaria Technical & Training Support Package, Phase 4 (Projects)
control, case management (malaria treatment) and cross-sectoral action against malaria, and through the training of malaria affected countries’ scientists and national malaria control managers. GlobMal [...] strategic direction towards the ambitious 2030 malaria goals to reduce malaria mortality by 40% by 2020 (compared with 2015) and to increase the number of malaria-free countries by additional 10 and 35 countries [...] contribute to global malaria control and elimination by shaping global and...
Clinical Performance Evaluation and Cost-Effectiveness Analysis of miLab platform for Supporting Malaria Control in Target Countries (Projects)
samples. The platform is of potential high interested for malaria control, namely malaria diagnostics in low- and middle-income countries, as malaria remains a major cause of morbidity and mortality in large [...] compared to the current routine malaria diagnostic in the field. The impact evaluation will also assess whether and how the use of miLab contributes to an improved malaria case detection workflow in two
Characterization of field malaria isolates and assessment of the impact of resistance profile on the transmission of resistant strains (Projects)
field malaria parasites, in order to provide a more realistic representation of malaria transmission occurring in natural settings. We will establish a continuous culture protocol for field malaria parasite [...] Health Institute (IHI, Tanzania). Malaria elimination is threatened by resistance to current insecticides and antimalarials. Developing novel technologies that target malaria transmission, such as transmission [...] transmission blocking drugs, vaccines or insecticides to control malari...