Malaria Photo and Video Contest (News)
looking for powerful images within three thematic categories that tell stories about malaria control and how malaria engagement contributes to the objectives of the UN Agenda 2030 for Sustainable Development [...] towards a world without malaria. Participate now and win prize money totalling CHF 10’000: The best pictures will be featured widely in malaria-relevant events and documents [...] documents. Deadline is the 1st of March 2017, so that the winners...
Combating Malaria with Odour-Baited Traps for Mosquitoes (News)
combated with the odour-baited traps. Malaria: a major cause of death and an economic problem. Malaria: Human and Economic Costs Every 30 seconds, a child dies of malaria. This disease costs Africa twelve [...] A newly-developed mosquito trap outsmart malaria-transmitting mosquitoes. It attracts the insects by emitting a natural lure – namely human odour - composed of lactic acid and other substances transpired [...] resulted in a 70% decline in the Anopheles populations on the Kenyan island of...
The beauty of disease modelling (Page)
modelling for malaria vaccines? Similar to vaccines, we often ask questions about how we can can reduce the burden of disease. Many of the malaria models that were created to look at malaria vaccines have [...] modelling here is not just estimating the impact of the malaria vaccine or a single intervention but we can ask a whole range of questions about malaria disease dynamics, intervention packages and drug resistance [...] n packages for different national malaria control programmes....
“It is a privilege to be able to bring science to the bedside” (Page)
test a drug for a neglected disease such as malaria, the trial can become more complex, because we have to go where the malaria patients are, i.e., to a malaria-endemic country such as the DRC. Such sites [...] very effective and affordable medicines for malaria? Yes, artemisinin-based combination therapies (ACTs) are still the standard of care for treating malaria and remain very effective. However, we are seeing [...] in the fight against malaria? What is unique about Swiss TPH is that we work...
New approaches to transform global health: meeting with Bill Gates (Page)
technical support to the National Malaria Control Programme (NMCP) in various malaria surveillance activities as part of the Swiss TPH Towards Elimination of Malaria in Tanzania (TEMT) project . You recently [...] facility data be used to improve malaria interventions? Since 2000, there has been a renewed commitment to malaria control, resulting in increased funding to support various malaria control interventions across [...] routine data from local health facilities in the fight against malari...
Diagnostikkurse in medizinischer Parasitologie | Swiss TPH Short Courses (Page)
steht die Differentialdiagnostik der jeweiligen Krankheitserregern. Kursbeschreibung Malaria Der direkte Nachweis von Malaria-Erregern im Blut ist trotz moderner molekularer Diagnostikverfahren immer noch die [...] gewidmet. Eine Blinddiagnose am Ende des Kurses ermöglicht die Selbstüberprüfung. Malaria + Bei Blutuntersuchungen auf Malaria werden häufig nicht die klassischen Formen gefunden, sondern Parasiten, deren [...] 2024: Blutparasiten für Fortgeschrittene: 21. November 2024, ABGESAGT...
Swiss TPH at Global Level (Page)
the Second Global Malaria Action Plan “Action and Investment to defeat Malaria 2016-2030 (AIM) for a malaria-free world.” Malaria Antimalarial Drug Development Malaria Vaccines Malaria Elimination Surveillance [...] Influencing Global Malaria Policies The Global Malaria Technical and Training Support Package (GlobMal) aims at influencing global malaria policies and implementing WHO and Roll Back Malaria Partnership strategies [...] reduce the malaria burden and to expand malaria-free zones...