Malawi Malaria Indicator Survey Quality Assurance Services (Projects)
Malaria indicator surveys are an important source of data on disease burden (parasite prevalence, fever prevalence, etc), and coverage of malaria prevention and case management interventions, particul
Monitoring Review Burundi (Projects)
Monitor the implementation of the Grant Management Requirements (GMRs) as well as any relevant audit recommendations. Monitor the financial performance of the grant: Verify that financial records are
First in human trial on cutaneous leishmaniasis (Projects)
The aim of this translational research project is to conduct a first in human (clinical phase I) study and test BAP5191, a new formulation intended to be a cure for cutaneous leishmaniasis – a neglect
Urban Population Health Initiative (Projects)
Novartis Foundation is developing a strategy focusing on the health of urban populations. The aim is comprehensively improved prevention and care to sustainably reduce and prevent morbidity and mortal
Provision of Technical Assistance for Covid-19 Vaccine Delivery Preparation and Readiness (Projects)
The introduction of a new vaccine provides many opportunities as well as challenges to improve a country’s overall immunization programme as well as its health services and health system. Many of the
Promoting platinum open access for low and middle income country scientists: A publication fee waiver program for two Swiss society journals (Projects)
The GLOBEQUITY platinum publishing fee waiver program provides scientists from low and middle income and from some countries in economic transition (LMIC+) with platinum open access (OA) 2022-2024 in
Transformation in Pesticide Governance (Projects)
To simultaneously achieve the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the 2030 Agenda in areas such as Biodiversity Conservation, Food Production and Consumption, a fundamental transfo
Quantification of Health Impact of Air pollution in Switzerland (Projects)
The World Health Organization (WHO) defines health impact assessment (HIA) as “a combination of procedures, methods and tools by which a policy, programme or project may be judged as to its potential
State of UHC Commitment (Projects)
In September 2019, world leaders endorsed universal health coverage (UHC), the most ambitious and comprehensive political declaration on health in history. By endorsing the declaration, they committed
Support to Health Sector Reform in the Aral Sea Region (Projects)
Swiss TPH and its local partner ISIDA Consulting Company are implementing a feasibility study on behalf of the KfW Development Bank and the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Uzbekistan that focuse