Survive and Thrive Boa Vista Early Childhood Program (Projects)
Background : A growing body of evidence suggests that early life health and developmental outcomes can be improved through parental support programs. The objective of this project was to test the feas
Nutrition and Human Capital Development: An evidence review and modeling potential (Projects)
The proposed supplement would build upon the current work and further refine approaches to estimate the effect of scaling-up nutrition interventions on human capital outcomes. First, we plan to extend
LEAPS-NCHD Program Evaluation (Projects)
An estimated 88 million children drop out of primary school each year worldwide, and the highest number of dropouts are in the first and second grade. A proven strategy to reduce dropout from primary
Study to Redesign and Update the MoH Kenya Health Financing Programme with support from the German Government (Projects)
In January 2021, Kreditanstalt für Wiederaufbau (“KfW”, the German Development Bank), commissioned by the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kenya (MoH), contracted Swiss TPH to conduct a Study on
Global online training course for openIMIS (Projects)
As more countries stive for UHC and USP, the number of interested and engaged stakeholders increases, adding to the organizational complexity of healthcare systems. The OpenIMIS Initiative presents an
Expanding the knowledge base and increasing implementations (Projects)
As more countries strive for Universal Health Coverage and Universal Social Protection, the number of interested and engaged stakeholders increases, adding to the organizational complexity of healthca
Outlining the institutional set up of the AMED scheme along with its functions and operational processes (Projects)
Learn more by reading our report here Chad Government is engaged in an ambitious reform to make the Universal Health Coverage (UHC) legislation operational with its three pillars defined as follows: a
Implementation of Surveillance, Outbreak Response Management and Analysis System (SORMAS) in Switzerland (Projects)
A majorty of cantons in Switzerland and the Fürstentum Liechtenstein have introduced the application Surveillance, Outbreak Response Management and Analysis System (SORMAS) in the course of 2020 in th
Massive Open Online Course on Insecticide Resistance Management (Projects)
The Global Plan for Insecticide Resistance Management (GPIRM) (WHO 2012) is the authoritative resource for Insecticide Resistance Management (IRM) in the mosquito vectors of malaria. However, IRM is a
Global Malaria Technical & Training Support Package, Phase 3 (Projects)
The worldwide reduction in malaria-related death in the last two decades is a major global public health success. Despite the 6 million lives saved from malaria, still more than 400’000 people die eve