Feasibility and acceptability of insecticide-treated plastic sheeting (ITPS) for vector control in Papua New Guinea (Publications)
sheeting (ITPS) as a malaria control intervention in Papua New Guinea (PNG). METHODS: ZeroVector(R) ITPS was installed in 40 homes across four study sites representing a cross section of malaria transmission risk [...] potential application of ITPS in the national malaria control programme. The positive study findings suggest a longer-term evaluation of this promising malaria control intervention warrants consideration
Recalculating the net use gap: a multi-country comparison of ITN use versus ITN access (Publications)
treated nets is widely recognized as one of the main interventions to prevent malaria and high use rates are a central goal of malaria programs. The gap between household ownership of at least one ITN and population [...] within the household' as now recommended by Roll Back Malaria and the World Health Organization. Data from 41 Demographic Health Surveys (DHS) and Malaria Indicator Surveys (MIS) (2005-2012) in sub-Saharan
Spatially-explicit risk profiling of<em> Plasmodium falciparum</em> infections at a small scale: a geostatistical modelling approach (Publications)
BACKGROUND: There is a renewed political will and financial support to eradicate malaria. Spatially-explicit risk profiling will play an important role in this endeavour. Patterns of Plasmodium falciparum [...] falciparum infection prevalence were examined among schoolchildren in a highly malaria-endemic area. METHODS: A questionnaire was administered and finger prick blood samples collected from 3,962 children, aged [...] the questionnaire on children's socioeconomic status and the use of bed...
Feasibility and acceptability of insecticide-treated plastic sheeting (ITPS) for vector control in Papua New Guinea (Publications)
sheeting (ITPS) as a malaria control intervention in Papua New Guinea (PNG). METHODS: ZeroVector(R) ITPS was installed in 40 homes across four study sites representing a cross section of malaria transmission risk [...] potential application of ITPS in the national malaria control programme. The positive study findings suggest a longer-term evaluation of this promising malaria control intervention warrants consideration
A review of the frequencies of <em>Plasmodium falciparum</em> Kelch 13 artemisinin resistance mutations in Africa (Publications)
failure, except for Rwanda. These mutations present a threat to malaria control across the continent, since the greatest burden of malaria remains in Africa. A rise in the frequency of these mutations and [...] Plasmodium falciparum Kelch 13 (Pfk13), 7 years ago has provided an invaluable tool for monitoring AR in malaria endemic countries. Molecular Pfk13 surveillance revealed the resistance foci in the Greater Mekong [...] and their spread would reverse the gains made in the reduction of malar...
Safety and differential antibody and T-cell responses to <em>Plasmodium falciparum</em> sporozoite vaccine by age in Tanzanian adults, adolescents,... (Publications)
2016, there were more cases and deaths caused by malaria globally than in 2015. An effective vaccine would be an ideal additional tool for reducing malaria's impact. Sanaria((R)) PfSPZ Vaccine, composed [...] (SPZ) has been well tolerated and safe in malaria-naive and experienced adults in the United States and Mali and protective against controlled human malaria infection with Pf in the United States and
Detection of antibodies to <em>Plasmodium falciparum</em> sporozoites by employing synthetic peptides (Publications)
A new achievement in the immunodiagnosis of malaria has been reached after the knowledge of the molecular structure of some plasmodial antigens has become available. One example is given by the repetitive [...] immunosorbent assay (ELISA) for the detection of antisporozoite antibodies in individuals from malaria-endemic countries. This (NANP)40 ELISA has been employed in a longitudinal study in a rural community [...] and can be useful for monitoring the immune status of populations...
Preclinical characterization and target validation of the antimalarial pantothenamide MMV693183 (Publications)
Drug resistance and a dire lack of transmission-blocking antimalarials hamper malaria elimination. Here, we present the pantothenamide MMV693183 as a first-in-class acetyl-CoA synthetase (AcAS) inhibitor [...] Pharmacokinetic-pharmacodynamic modelling predict that a single 30 mg oral dose is sufficient to cure a malaria infection in humans. Toxicology studies in rats indicate a > 30-fold safety margin in relation to [...] promising candidate for further (pre)clinical development with a novel...
<em>Ex vivo</em> interferon-gamma immune response to thrombospondin-related adhesive protein in coastal Kenyans: longevity and risk of <em>Plasmodium... (Publications)
against the subsequent development of malaria. Retesting of selected donors after one year showed a complete change in the reactivity pattern, suggesting that malaria-specific ex vivo IFN-gamma ELISPOT assay [...] conserved epitopes. This study provides important information regarding natural reactivity to a key malaria antigen
Detection of antibodies to <em>Plasmodium falciparum</em> sporozoites by employing synthetic peptides (Publications)
A new achievement in the immunodiagnosis of malaria has been reached after the knowledge of the molecular structure of some plasmodial antigens has become available. One example is given by the repetitive [...] immunosorbent assay (ELISA) for the detection of antisporozoite antibodies in individuals from malaria-endemic countries. This (NANP)40 ELISA has been employed in a longitudinal study in a rural community [...] and can be useful for monitoring the immune status of populations...