Optimization of purine-nitrile TbcatB inhibitors for use in vivo and evaluation of efficacy in murine models (Publications)
There are currently only four clinical drugs available for treating human African trypanosomiasis (HAT), three of which were developed over 60years ago. Despite years of effort, there has been relativ
Antiplasmodial, anti-trypanosomal, anti-leishmanial and cytotoxicity activity of selected Tanzanian medicinal plants (Publications)
The antiplasmodial, anti-trypanosomal and anti-leishmanial activity of 25 plant extracts obtained from seven Tanzanian medicinal plants: Annickia (Enantia) kummeriae (Annonaceae), Artemisia annua (Ast
Combination of single nucleotide polymorphism and variable-number tandem repeats for genotyping a homogenous population of <em>Mycobacterium... (Publications)
The standard 15- and 24-locus variable-number tandem repeat (VNTR) genotyping methods have demonstrated adequate discriminatory power and a small homoplasy effect for tracing tuberculosis (TB) transmi
Menstrual cycle and respiratory symptoms in a general nordic-baltic population (Publications)
RATIONALE: There is little knowledge of variations in respiratory symptoms during the menstrual cycle in a general population, and no investigation of potential modifying factors. OBJECTIVE: To invest