Long-lasting insecticidal net (LLIN) ownership, use and cost of implementation after a mass distribution campaign in Kasai Occidental Province,... (Publications)
BACKGROUND: Long-lasting insecticidal nets (LLIN) are a highly effective means for preventing malaria infection and reducing associated morbidity and mortality. Mass free distribution campaigns have been [...] six months after the mass distribution. Descriptive statistics were used to measure changes in key malaria household indicators. LLIN ownership and use were compared between delivery strategies. Univariate [...] have a significant impact on LLIN use (69.6% [95% CI 63.1-75.5%] versus 65.7%...
Dengue fever in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania: clinical features and outcome in populations of black and non-black racial category (Publications)
are under-reported in Africa and often mistaken for malaria. These results highlight the need to introduce point-of-care tests, beside the one for malaria, to detect outbreaks and orientate diagnosis. TRIAL [...] clinical presentation, including warning signs, was assessed by logistic regression adjusted for age, malaria coinfection, secondary dengue and duration of symptoms at inclusion. The independent association [...] attended care after a slightly longer duration of symptoms (median of 2.9...
Infectious Diseases | Swiss TPH (Page)
African Tryponosomiasis (HAT) Malaria Neglected Tropical Diseases (NTDs) Tuberculosis Swiss TPH has a longstanding experience in research into poverty-related diseases such as malaria, tuberculosis or HIV/AIDS
Plasmodium vivax Transmission Model (Projects)
parasite is dominant. This compartmental model accounts specifically for the liver stages of P. vivax malaria and it has recently been refined to include imported infections as well as treatment of blood and/or [...] data on reported local and imported cases, and it can be used to simulate the expected impact of malaria treatment schemes, vector control strategies, reactive interventions or mass drug administration
Imaging of <em>Plasmodium</em> liver stages to drive next-generation antimalarial drug discovery (Publications)
Most malaria drug development focuses on parasite stages detected in red blood cells, even though to achieve eradication, next-generation drugs active against both erythrocytic and exo-erythrocytic forms [...] imidazolopiperazine confers complete causal prophylactic protection (15 mg/kg) in rodent models of malaria and shows potent in vivo blood-stage therapeutic activity. The open source chemical tools resulting
Micro-epidemiological structuring of <em>Plasmodium falciparum</em> parasite populations in regions with varying transmission intensities in Africa (Publications)
Background: The first models of malaria transmission assumed a completely mixed and homogeneous population of parasites. Recent models include spatial heterogeneity and variably mixed populations. However [...] pairs is predicted by relatedness in space and time. Conclusions: Our findings suggest that targeted malaria control will benefit the surrounding community, but unfortunately also that emerging drug resistance
Discovery and characterization of ACT-451840: an antimalarial drug with a novel mechanism of action (Publications)
More than 40 % of the world's population is at risk of being infected with malaria. Most malaria cases occur in the countries of sub-Saharan Africa, Central and South America, and Asia. Resistance to standard
Identification of 2,4-disubstituted imidazopyridines as hemozoin formation inhibitors with fast-killing kinetics and <em>in vivo</em> efficacy in the... (Publications)
SoftFocus Kinase library, was identified from a high throughput phenotypic screen against the human malaria parasite Plasmodium falciparum. Hit compounds showed moderate asexual blood stage activity. During [...] Frontrunner compound 37 showed good exposure in mice combined with good in vitro activity against the malaria parasite, which translated into in vivo efficacy in the P. falciparum NOD-scid IL-2Rgamma(null) (NSG)
Adherence to and acceptability of artemether-lumefantrine as first-line anti-malarial treatment: evidence from a rural community in Tanzania (Publications)
six-dose regimen of artemether-lumefantrine (AL) therapy for uncomplicated Plasmodium falciparum malaria results in cure rates > 95% with good tolerability. MATERIALS AND METHODS: A prospective study was [...] the context of the ALIVE study, a prospective, community-based, observational study in a rural, malaria-endemic area of Tanzania. Following microscopic confirmation of P. falciparum infection, the first
Estimating <em>Plasmodium falciparum</em> transmission rates in low-endemic settings using a combination of community prevalence and health facility... (Publications)
As some malaria control programs shift focus from disease control to transmission reduction, there is a need for transmission data to monitor progress. At lower levels of transmission, it becomes increasingly [...] studies. Many programs conduct regular cross sectional parasite prevalence surveys, and have access to malaria treatment data routinely collected by ministries of health, often in health management information