Mansonella perstans-Filariose nach Aufenthalt in Kamerun. 19-jährige Patientin, geboren in Kamerun, seit zehn Jahren in der Schweiz (Publications)
g pain in the lower abdomen, predominantly on the right side. A blood smear tested for presumed malaria showed subperiodic microfilariae of the species Mansonella perstans. The patient was treated with
Mansonella perstans-Filariose nach Aufenthalt in Kamerun. 19-jährige Patientin, geboren in Kamerun, seit zehn Jahren in der Schweiz (Publications)
g pain in the lower abdomen, predominantly on the right side. A blood smear tested for presumed malaria showed subperiodic microfilariae of the species Mansonella perstans. The patient was treated with
Synthesis of szentiamide, a depsipeptide from entomopathogenic <em>Xenorhabdus szentirmaii</em> with activity against <em>Plasmodium falciparum</em> (Publications)
on of a notable activity against insect cells and Plasmodium falciparum, the causative agent of malaria
Synthesis of szentiamide, a depsipeptide from entomopathogenic <em>Xenorhabdus szentirmaii</em> with activity against <em>Plasmodium falciparum</em> (Publications)
on of a notable activity against insect cells and Plasmodium falciparum, the causative agent of malaria
30 Years of R&D Towards New Drugs for Tropical Diseases (Page)
human African trypanosomiasis and schistosomiasis) and other infectious diseases of poverty (e.g. malaria and tuberculosis), there was no choice. As their name implies, neglected tropical diseases and infectious [...] expertise emerged as a game-changer. By collaborating with partners, including Novartis, Medicines for Malaria Venture (MMV) and Drugs for Neglected Diseases initiative (DNDi), Swiss TPH played a vital role in [...] Importantly, three of the eight MDGs pertained to health, and MDG...
Turmhaus-Talks - Die Vortragsreihe für gesundes Reisen und Leben (Page)
Reisemedizin Flyer Vortragsreihe Der lange Weg zum Malaria-Impfstoff: Durchbruch mit Hindernissen Mittwoch, 4. Dezember 2024, 18:00-19:00 Uhr Malaria hat die Menschheitsgeschichte geprägt und Spuren im [...] Jahre, bis der erste Impfstoff gegen Malaria zugelassen wurde. Jetzt wollen afrikanische Länder den Impfstoff massiv einsetzen. Rückt damit eine Welt ohne Malaria in greifbare Nähe? Erfahren Sie, welche
Statistics in Epidemiology Group | Biostatistics at Swiss TPH (Page)
analysis of cohorts, and in applications in non-communicable disease and infectious diseases such as malaria. The group runs statistics courses in the Faculty of Science and contributes to postgraduate courses [...] Maximise Universal Access Long-lasting insecticidal nets (LLINs), or bed nets, are the mainstay of malaria control. However, more than 50% of people living in endemic areas are currently unprotected because [...] lifespan. The goal of the ViALLIN MUsAcc project is to develop a...
SARs of the antiprotozoal action of 6,7-diaryl-bicyclo[2.2.2]octan-2-ols (Publications)
tested for their activity against the causative organisms of East African sleeping sickness and malaria tropica. Structure activity relationships are discussed
SARs of the antiprotozoal action of 6,7-diaryl-bicyclo[2.2.2]octan-2-ols (Publications)
tested for their activity against the causative organisms of East African sleeping sickness and malaria tropica. Structure activity relationships are discussed
Clinical Trials at Swiss TPH | Bringing Science to Patients (Page)
Trial for New Malaria Vaccine Malaria persists as a significant challenge in tropical and subtropical regions, prompting the initiation of the SumayaVac-1 study—a clinical trial for a new malaria vaccine known [...] and neonates weighing less than 5kg with acute malaria. The CALINA study is led by Novartis, with the scientific and financial support of Medicines for Malaria Venture (MMV), and is part of the PAMAfrica [...] capacity strengthening activities in public health and malaria, and...