<em>In vitro</em> antiplasmodial activity and cytotoxicity of extracts and chromatographic fractions of twigs from <em>Pappea capensi</em>s EckI &... (Publications)
The Vha-Venda people of South Africa use Pappea capensis EckI & Zeyh. (Sapindaceae) twigs to treat malaria and its related symptoms. AIM OF STUDY: The main aim of this study was to evaluate the antiplasmodial [...] in P. capensis twigs. CONCLUSION: The study validates the ethnomedicinal use of P. capensis for malaria treatment. It demonstrated the potential of discovering novel antiplasmodial constituents that could
Prevalence of mutations associated with artemisinin partial resistance and sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine resistance in 13 regions in Tanzania in 2021: a... (Publications)
drugs. METHODS: In this cross-sectional survey, capillary dried blood spots were collected from malaria positive asymptomatic individuals in the community and symptomatic individuals in health facilities [...] target sites, presenting to the health facility for care and treatment of conditions other than malaria, and not providing informed consent. Samples were assessed for antimalarial resistance polymorphisms
Farewell to Thierry Freyvogel (News)
influence on him throughout his life. The enormous malaria transmission around Ifakara drove Thierry Freyvogel to new scientific findings on malaria on the one hand and deepened his understanding of the
<em>Schistosoma</em>, other helminth infections, and associated risk factors in preschool-aged children in urban Tanzania (Publications)
and performed medical examinations. We performed full blood cell counts and screened for HIV and malaria. Point-of-care circulating cathodic antigen (POC-CCA), urine filtration, Kato-Katz, FLOTAC, and Baermann
<em>Plasmodium vivax </em>molecular diagnostics in community surveys: pitfalls and solutions (Publications)
ial DNA-based assay increased prevalence from 4.9 to 6.5%. The usefulness of molecular tests in malaria epidemiological studies is widely recognized, especially when precise prevalence rates are desired
Antitrypanosomal activity of sesquiterpene lactones from <em>Helianthus tuberosus</em> L. including a new furanoheliangolide with an unusual structure (Publications)
(Chagas Disease), Leishmania donovani (Visceral Leishmaniasis) and Plasmodium falciparum (Tropical Malaria) as well as cytotoxicity against rat skeletal myoblasts (L6 cell line) was determined along with
Assessing seasonal variations and age patterns in mortality during the first year of life in Tanzania (Publications)
trends. Mortality rates in Sub-Sahara Africa show seasonal patterns due to high infant and child malaria-related mortality which is influenced by seasonal features present in environmental and climatic
A sero-epidemiological approach to explore transmission of <em>Mycobacterium ulcerans</em> (Publications)
Ghana were included in the study. While first serological responses to the mosquito transmitted malaria parasite Plasmodium falciparum and to soil transmitted Strongyloides helminths emerged around the
Host-directed therapies for infectious diseases: current status, recent progress, and future prospects (Publications)
functional disability arising from tissue damage. The continuing epidemics of tuberculosis, HIV, malaria, and influenza, and the emergence of novel zoonotic pathogens represent major clinical management
Cyclic nucleotide-specific phosphodiesterases of <em>Plasmodium falciparum</em>: PfPDEalpha, a non-essential cGMP-specific PDE that is an integral... (Publications)
potential targets for PDE inhibitor-based anti-parasitic drugs. Genomes of the various agents of human malaria, most notably Plasmodium falciparum, all contain four genes for class 1 PDEs. The catalytic domains