New Compounds Show Promise in Transforming Treatment of Parasitic Diseases (News)
expertise and drug discovery For 30 years, Swiss TPH has been one of the leaders in drug discovery for malaria and neglected tropical diseases, such as infections by helminths or trypanosomatids and Buruli Ulcer
Setting Up an Epidemiological Study in Tanzania (Page)
and middle-income countries. Thanks to the better control of infectious disease such as HIV/Aids, malaria, and tuberculosis, the population grows older. A longer life – combined with lifestyle changes in [...] diabetes and lipid profile are assessed. Besides that, all patients are screened for HIV/AIDS, malaria and schistosomiasis. We run some tests in our own point-of-care laboratory and send the collected
Modelling the Dynamics of SARS-CoV-2 in All of Its Twists and Turns (Page)
she has been focusing on malaria for many years – developing analyses and different mathematical models to support product development and to assess vaccines and drugs for malaria. A pandemic pivot When
Winter Symposium 2020 (Page)
a Public Private Partnership from Manufacturer to Health Facility, Hans Rietveld, Medicines for Malaria Venture 09:40 Stock-Outs in Switzerland, Enea Martinelli, pharmaSuisse Session 2 | Supply Chains
The causes and consequences of historical contingencies in the evolution of extensively drug-resistant Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Projects)
global health emergency. With 1.3 million annual deaths, TB kills more people than HIV/AIDS and malaria combined. Multidrug-resistant TB (MDR-TB) is also a main cause of human death due to antimicrobial
Digital System for a Better Health Care Management of Refugees (Projects)
Sahel region are infectious diseases, particularly respiratory infections, acute diarrheal diseases, malaria and malnutrition, as well as general mental illnesses such as post-traumatic stress disorder, depression [...] Sahel region are infectious diseases, particularly respiratory infections, acute diarrheal diseases, malaria and malnutrition, as well as general mental illnesses such as post-traumatic stress disorder, depression
Dual Burden of Disease (Page)
Study in Côte d’Ivoire Swiss TPH investigated the relation between infections (helminth infections, malaria) and NCDs (hypertension, diabetes) in adults living in rural Côte d’Ivoire. A biobank was established
SNIS Symposium: Health in the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development (Page)
Eawag and the SDGs, Rik Eggen, Eawag, Dübendorf - The SDGs and MMV, Silvia Ferazzi, Medicines for Malaria Venture, Geneva 14:15 PESTROP Project in the Context of the SDGs (with SNIS documentary premier,
Ministers of Health from Rwanda and Senegal Visit Swiss TPH (Page)
clinical decision support tools, HIV/AIDS, sexual and reproductive health, food systems and health and malaria research. Ibrahima Sy, Ministre de la Santé et de l'Action Sociale in Senegal, presented on the new
Measuring progress and projecting attainment on the basis of past trends of the health-related Sustainable Development Goals in 188 countries: an... (Publications)
projected to reach targets for under-5 mortality, neonatal mortality, maternal mortality ratio, and malaria, to less than 5% of countries projected to achieve targets linked to 11 indicator targets, including