A novel electronic algorithm using host biomarker point-of-care tests for the management of febrile illnesses in Tanzanian children (e-POCT): a... (Publications)
recommends treatment based on a few clinical signs and POCT results, some performed in all patients (malaria rapid diagnostic test, hemoglobin, oximeter) and others in selected subgroups only (C-reactive protein
MOSASWA Modelling Support (Projects)
Indoor Residual Spraying (IRS) by Tchau Tchau Malaria (Goodbye Malaria, TTM) in Southern Mozambique as part of the MOSASWA (Mozambique, South Africa and Eswatini) initiative. The evaluation included three [...] The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria (The Global Fund) has commissioned Swiss TPH to evaluate the impact of the Lubombo Spatial Development Initiative 2 (LSDI2) implementation of Indoor [...] Group to create a connected model with data collated from the region that will...
Ecosystems and One Health (Page)
societal dimensions Biovision ExCap - Experience capitalisation of Biovision’s environmental-friendly Malaria and African animal trypanosomiasis control projects from 2005-2020 for greater impact HIA4SD - Health
A triple win awaits (Page)
diseases are likely to occur are increasing. Since 1950, climate suitability for the transmission of malaria in highland areas has increased by 40% in Africa and by 150% in the Western Pacific region. Changes
Quality Improvement in Healthcare (Page)
with Unitaid, we have performed several grant evaluations related to HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria. On behalf of Gavi, we have performed Programme Capacity Assessments (PCAs) in several countries
Emergency Medicine (Page)
are diagnosed using clinical skills, ultrasound, electrocardiogram (ECG) and point of care tests (malaria rapid tests, urine dipstick, urine pregnancy test, blood glucose and HIV tests). The iSTAT point-of
«Die Entwicklung neuer Medikamente ist Teamwork» (News)
für den Erfolg des Swiss TPH bei der Entwicklung neuer Medikamente gegen die Schlafkrankheit und Malaria. Der vielversprechendste neue Wirkstoff gegen erstere heisst Fexinidazol. Das Molekül stammt aus
Marcel Tanner mit dem renommierten Brandenberger-Preis 2023 ausgezeichnet (News)
Marcel Tanner und seine Teams spielten eine Schlüsselrolle bei der Entwicklung von Impfstoffen gegen Malaria und den sogenannten Public Private Partnerships (PPPs), welche die Entwicklung neuer Therapien gegen
Women and Gender in Global Health | Swiss TPH Symposium (Page)
Priorities Moderator: Andrea Lucard , Chief Officer Corporate Strategy and Affairs, Medicines for Malaria Venture 15:20 Mentimeter Survey Results , Janet Michel, Swiss TPH 15:40 Bringing It All Together: [...] Nations Population Fund Andrea Lucard Chief Officer Corporate Strategy and Affairs, Medicines for Malaria Venture Eszter Kismödi Chief Executive, Sexual and Reproductive Health Matters Bianca Albers Postdoctoral
How can we prevent the next pandemic? Swiss TPH students meet with Bill Gates (Page)
pursues her PhD in microbiology focusing on various issues of diagnosis and genomic surveillance of malaria, lymphatic filariasis and COVID-19. Daniel Kipo is a MSc student from Ghana working in the area of