Impacts of highway traffic exhaust in alpine valleys on the respiratory health in adults: a cross-sectional study (Publications)
ABSTRACT: BACKGROUND: Most studies having shown respiratory health effects from traffic exhaust were conducted in urban areas with a complex mixture of air pollution sources. This study has investigat
Patient-physician concordance and disordance in gynecology: do physicians identify patients' reasons for visit and do patients understand physicians'... (Publications)
OBJECTIVE: To assess physician-patient concordance on reasons for consultation and actions taken during consultation in five different gynecological practices, and to investigate patient and physician
Relationship of aerobic fitness and motor skills with memory and attention in preschoolers (Ballabeina): a cross-sectional and longitudinal study (Publications)
ABSTRACT: BACKGROUND: The debate about a possible relationship between aerobic fitness and motor skills with cognitive development in children has recently re-emerged, because of the decrease in child
Long-term exposure models for traffic related NO2 across geographically diverse areas over separate years (Publications)
Although recent air pollution epidemiologic studies have embraced land-use regression models for estimating outdoor traffic exposure, few have examined the spatio-temporal variability of traffic relat
Adiposity, fitness and metabolic risk in children: a cross-sectional and longitudinal study (Publications)
Abstract Objective. To better understand the early development of cardiovascular disease, we examined the association of adiposity measures and cardiorespiratory fitness (CRF) with baseline values and
Combined impact of negative lifestyle factors on cardiovascular risk in children: a randomized prospective study (Publications)
PURPOSE: Negative lifestyle factors are known to be associated with increased cardiovascular risk (CVR) in children, but research on their combined impact on a general population of children is sparse
Effects of a lifestyle intervention on adiposity and fitness in overweight or low fit preschoolers (Ballabeina) (Publications)
OBJECTIVE: Overweight (OW) and low fit children represent cardiovascular high-risk groups. A multidimensional school-based lifestyle intervention performed in 652 preschoolers reduced skinfold thickne