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Gesundheitsrisiko Vereinsamung im Alter: das neue Erwachsenenschutzrecht als Anlass zum Screening in der Praxis (Publications)
How within-city socioeconomic disparities affect life expectancy? Results of Urban HEART in Tehran, Iran (Publications)
Nourrissons en pleurs, mère fatiguées: que savon-nous? Une revue systhématique (Publications)
Pourquoi un forum national sur la nutrition et l’alimentation au Tchad? (Publications)
LeishMan: harmonising diagnostic and clinical management of leishmaniasis in Europe (Publications)
Study on <em>E. coli</em> and helminthes egg prevalence in fresh vegetable served to bun cha dish in Hanoi (Publications)
Understanding relational aspects of shared decision-making in gynaecology: a qualitative analysis of patients' and physicians' as well as clinical... (Publications)
One health: integrated approach for research and intervention to improve the health of human, animal and the environment (Publications)
Validation of <em>Mesocyclops</em> (Copepoda) and community participation as an effective combination for Dengue control in Northern Vietnam (Publications)
Advances and challanges of social epidemiology - the social determinants of health revisited (literature review) (Publications)