Effect of malaria on soluble transferrin receptor levels in Tanzanian infants (Publications)
iron deficiency in malaria endemic areas remains unresolved. Three hundred and fourteen infants in a rural area of southern Tanzania living under conditions of intense and perennial malaria transmission were [...] The diagnosis of iron deficiency anemia in malaria endemic areas is complicated by the influence of the infection on the laboratory tests conventionally used to assess iron status. Determination of soluble [...] plasma levels in the assessment of iron deficiency anemia. Independent of...
Comparative field evaluation of the Mbita trap, the Centers for Disease Control light trap, and the human landing catch for sampling of malaria... (Publications)
to the sampling method used. It is concluded that the Mbita trap is a promising tool for sampling malaria vector populations since its catch can be readily converted into equivalent human biting catch, it [...] exposure-free manner. Such intensive sampling capability will allow cost-effective surveillance of malaria transmission at much finer spatial and temporal resolution than has been previously possible
Force of infection is key to understanding the epidemiology of <em>Plasmodium falciparum</em> malaria in Papua New Guinean children (Publications)
describes basic malaria epidemiology and is suitable for measuring outcomes of interventions. This study was designed to test whether (mol)FOI influenced the risk of clinical malaria episodes and how [...] highlights the suitability of (mol)FOI as a measure of individual exposure and its central role in malaria epidemiology. It has substantial advantages over entomological measures in studies of transmission
Operational strategies to achieve and maintain malaria elimination (Publications)
Present elimination strategies are based on recommendations derived during the Global Malaria Eradication Program of the 1960s. However, many countries considering elimination nowadays have high intrinsic [...] need to revisit the strategies on which contemporary elimination programmes are based. To eliminate malaria, programmes need to concentrate on identification and elimination of foci of infections through both [...] of infectious pools entirely will not be sufficient since they could be...
Human antibodies to recombinant protein constructs of <em>Plasmodium falciparum</em> Apical Membrane Antigen 1 (AMA1) and their associations with... (Publications)
ectodomain (both FVO and 3D7 allele constructs) prior to a malaria transmission season were significantly associated with protection from malaria in the following 6 months, even after adjusting for age and