Science Publication: SARS-CoV-2 Genomic Surveillance in Africa (Page)
Science Publication: SARS-CoV-2 Genomic Surveillance in Africa 16.09.2022 A new study in Science shows how the rapid expansion of genomic surveillance in Africa allowed the continent to describe the i
Vector Biology | Research at Swiss TPH (Page)
Unit | Vector Biology Vector Biology New Vector Control Interventions Vector Research and Control Vectors are organisms that do not cause disease themselves but spread infections by carrying pathogens
Molecular Immunology | Research at Swiss TPH (Page)
Group | Molecularimmunology The Molecularimmunology group develops and evaluates new technologies for the design and immunological testing of candidate vaccines, analysis of the genetic and antigenic
SOPHYA: Swiss children’s Objectively measured PHYsical Activity The SOPHYA study investigated how children and adolescents from all over Switzerland move or engage in sports and how this behaviour cha
KvarQ: Targeted and direct variant calling in FastQ reads of bacterial genomes (Page)
KvarQ Targeted and Direct Variant Calling in FastQ Reads of Bacterial Genomes The programme KvarQ performs rapid in silico genotyping for selected loci (e.g. phylogenetic SNPs, drug resistance mutatio
FarmCoSwiss | Swiss TPH Studies (Page)
FarmCoSwiss Long-Term Health Study of and for People Working in Swiss Agriculture and Their Partners Our survey is currently closed for registration. The survey may be reopened to new participants at
FarmCoSwiss | Studi del Swiss TPH (Page)
FarmCoSwiss Studio sulla salute a lungo termine delle persone che lavorano nell’agricoltura svizzera e dei/delle loro coniugi/partner La registrazione al nostro sondaggio è attualmente chiusa. È possi
In Focus: Helena Greter investigates parasites in snails, livestock and humans in the Sahel (Page)
Helena Greter has had an intense time of it. The epidemiologist at the Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute (Swiss TPH) has just spent 10 days in Chad, taking stock at the halfway point of her t
In Focus: Helena Greter investigates parasites in snails, livestock and humans in the Sahel – and involves the population in interventions (Blog)
The health of humans, animals and the environment are interconnected; this is the starting point of the One Health concept. This approach guides epidemiologist Helena Greter’s research in Chad. The ai
Arthropod Facility | Swiss TPH Research Infrastructure (Page)
Arthropod Facility Many species of blood-sucking arthropods, such as mosquitoes, sand flies or ticks, transmit pathogens from one host to another, causing disease in humans and animals, and are called