Malaria prevention strategies and recommendations, from chemoprophylaxis to stand-by emergency treatment: a 10-year prospective study in a Swiss... (Publications)
There are several possible malaria prevention strategies for travellers. In Switzerland, chemoprophylaxis (CP) is recommended for persons visiting areas highly endemic for malaria and stand-by emergency treatment [...] fic malaria preventive recommendations provided and medicines prescribed over time were analysed. Results: In total, 64 858 client-trips were recorded. 91% of travellers planned to visit a malaria endemic [...] treatment (SBET) for areas with moderate to low risk. Objective: To...
Malaria prevention recommendations for risk groups visiting sub-Saharan Africa: a survey of European expert opinion and international recommendations (Publications)
INTRODUCTION: Malaria prevention can be complex due to the individual characteristics of the traveller, travel destination, duration of stay and type of travel. Our aim in this study was to document malaria che [...] visiting malaria-endemic areas of sub-Saharan Africa. METHODS: Travel medicine experts in Europe were asked to complete an online questionnaire, a 28-item Survey Monkey survey, on 11 malaria prevention [...] of the UK, U.S. CDC, Germany, Switzerland, WHO and the electronic Medicines...