Infection Biology
Master of Science

The Specialized Master’s degree programme in Infection Biology at the University of Basel is run by the Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute (Swiss TPH). Infection biology focuses on host -pathogen interactions and aims to understand the mechanisms through which viruses, bacteria, fungi or parasites colonise their hosts and cause disease. Infection biologists study molecular, cellular, metabolic or immunological aspects of pathogen biology and infection, try to elucidate mechanisms and evolution of drug resistance and immune evasion, or investigate dynamics of transmission and infection in the field. Knowledge gained from studying these and other aspects of infection biology provides the basis for the development of novel diagnostic tools, drugs and vaccines for improved prevention and treatment of infectious diseases.

“Completing my Masters here at Swiss TPH has allowed me to gain experience within the lab, with interesting and exciting research: As part of my master project, we’ve identified an early male gametocyte-specific protein which can help us further understand transmission stages of malaria. With half the world's population at risk of becoming infected, basic research into the intricate biology of the parasite is crucial.”
Patricia Landeau Millan
MSc Infection Biology student, Malaria Gene Regulation Unit