How to Apply for a PhD at Swiss TPH
Are you interested in starting your PhD in the inspiring environment of Swiss TPH? We look forward to receiving your application. Please follow the steps below.
Applying for an Advertised Position
Please refer to the institute's website for information on the research areas of Swiss TPH. All open PhD positions can be found here. This is the most recommended and successful way to move forward with your application.
Swiss TPH makes the final decision on whether or not to accept a PhD candidate. Acceptance is very restrictive as there are no paid positions available at the institute.
Unsolicited Applications
1. Find a supervisor: If you are interested in becoming a PhD student at Swiss TPH, please note that finding a supervisor is the most important step for prospective candidates. Swiss TPH does not offer fellowships to PhD students, rather PhD students are funded through projects led by potential supervisors. Students may also be funded by competitive external fellowships to which they apply independently. In both cases, a Swiss TPH supervisor is required for eligibility. Please explore the Swiss TPH website to find an area or team of interest and relevance to you.
2. Documentation: Your application will only be considered if you include the following documents/information:
- Updated CV
- Detailed motivation letter
- Field and team of interest
- Potential funding, if available
Please submit your application to
After an initial departmental screening, unsolicited applications will be shared with potential supervisors at Swiss TPH. You will be contacted directly if an opportunity is available and asked to submit further information.