Health Policy and Systems Analysis (HPSA)

The course analyses the relationships between global health strategies and national and local health policies and systems development. It focuses then on health systems frameworks, the role and behaviour of institutions and stakeholders, the major innovations in financing and delivering health services, and on how health systems are responding to global changes.
The course also focuses on applying systems science and systems thinking approaches to health systems. Participants will be able to critically review and apply the systems thinking framework to current health systems and policy issues and will be able to review, analyse and compare experiences in health system strengthening and health system interventions in countries in Africa, Asia and Europe. The course assesses the critical elements for measuring and monitoring health systems performance.
Course Structure
The Health Policy and Systems Analysis course is one of our Management Courses that can be taken as stand-alone courses or combined to achieve the MBA in International Health Management.
The course consists of 3 phases combining blended and hybrid learning formats, offering the benefits of both self-paced learning and synchronous real-time interaction.
Phase 1: Preparation
During the preparation phase, participants familiarise themselves with the course topic by studying materials and completing assignments under the guidance of the facilitators.
→ Self-paced distance learning and an introductory online session
→ 4 weeks part-time
→ Approx. 40 hours of student investment
Phase 2: Hybrid Face-to-Face Week
During the hybrid face-to-face week, participants engage in five days of intensive discussions, reflection exercises, case studies, group work, quizzes and presentations, either on-site at the Swiss TPH headquarters in Allschwil, Switzerland, or online. Active participation (online or on-site) is expected throughout the week.
→ On-site in Allschwil or online
→ 5 days full-time
→ Approx. 40-45 hours of student investment
Typically, there are two hybrid/face-to-face weeks with two courses back-to-back to allow participants from abroad to attend two courses on one flight.
Phase 3: Final Assignment
In the post phase, participants consolidate their learning through the development of a final assignment, such as essays, project outlines, presentations or online quizzes, supported by the course facilitators.
→ Distance-based and mostly self-paced
→ 6 weeks part-time
→ Approx. 95-100 hours of student investment
Overall Objectives
At the end of the course, participants will understand the importance of health systems and policies, and health systems research in international health management and in achieving public health goals. Participants will be acquainted with a systems thinking approach to health systems frameworks and the main conceptual elements of working within such frameworks.
Participants are assessed during both, the distance-based and on-campus phases of the courses, through individual and team assignments, professional presentations, quizzes or short tests, reflective papers and proposed projects.
Who Should Apply for this Course?
The course is designed for those working, or wishing to work, in the field of international public health cooperation at all levels. It is of particular interest to (future) leaders and managers addressing the need to combine strong business management skills with a sound public health education.
Application Process and Entry Requirements
To enrol, you need a bachelor's degree and at least two years' relevant work experience, as well as a passion for global and public health. As all management courses are taught in English, strong oral and written English skills are also required.
To process your application for our Health Policy and Systems Analysis course, you must both complete the online application form and pay an application fee of CHF 100 (by credit card) via this link. The application fee is non-refundable and will be deducted from the course fee.
In order to attend the course, the fee must be paid before the course starts.
Course fee: CHF 3,450 (incl. application fee)
Reduced course fee for MBA IHM students*: CHF 2,950
* The same fee applies to tropEd students and students enrolled in an SSPH+ professional postgraduate Master's or PhD programme.
Course fees must be paid one week before the start of the preparation phase. Tuition fees do not cover insurance, travel or personal living expenses incurred during your stay in Basel.
Please note that cancellations for any reason after the start of the preparation phase (Phase 1) are subject to a cancellation fee of CHF 500. Cancellations received less than two days prior to the start of the hybrid face-to-face week (Phase 2) will be charged the full course fee.
Swiss TPH and the University of Basel do not offer scholarships for management courses.
Disclaimer: In the event of an insufficient number of participants, the course may be cancelled up to 4 weeks prior to the start of the course. Swiss TPH is not responsible for any costs related to flight bookings, etc.