Helminth Infection - from Transmission to Control
Swiss TPH Winter Symposium - 7-8 December 2017 - Parterre Rialto, Basel, Switzerland

The Swiss TPH Winter Symposium 2017 invites medical parisitologists, infection biologists, epidemiologists and global health specialists and students to review and discuss progress in research, control, elimination and eradication of helminth infections.
- Health impact versus health benefits of helminth infections
- Towards better treatment options for helminth infections
- Latest diagnostic developments
- From morbitity control to elimination and eradication
Further information on the activities of Swiss TPH in the field of parasitic worm infections.
Thursday, December 7, 2017
Welcome and Registration
08:15 Registration
08:45 Welcome and Introduction, Jennifer Keiser and Peter Odermatt, Swiss TPH
Session 1 – Setting the Scene
Chair: J. Utzinger, Swiss TPH
09:00 Helminthiasis Epidemiology and Control: Scoring Success, Charles King, Case Western Reserve University, USA
09:30 Worms, History and Swiss TPH, Hanspeter Marti, Swiss TPH
10:00 Coffee Break
Session 2 – Helminth Diagnosis
Chairs: J. Keiser and P. Odermatt, Swiss TPH
10:30 Coprological Methods, Bruno Levecke, Ghent University, Belgium
11:00 Echinococcus multilocularis Diagnosis, Peter Deplazes, Vetsuisse-Faculty, University of Zurich
11:20 Sushi Worms – Diagnostic Challenges, Beatrice Nickel, Swiss TPH
11:40 Mobile Phone and Handheld Microscopy for Helminth Diagnosis, Isaac Bogoch, Toronto General Hospital, Canada
12:00 Limitations and Future Considerations in Helminth Diagnostics, Daniel Paris, Swiss TPH
12:20 Lunch
Session 3 – Anthelminthic Drugs
Chairs: G. Panic, Swiss TPH and D. Rollinson, Natural History Museum, UK
13:30 Combination Chemotherapy for Soil-Transmitted Helminthiasis, Jennifer Keiser, Swiss TPH
14:00 DNDi Helminth Portfolio, Ivan Scandale, DNDi, Switzerland
14:20 Paediatric Praziquantel, Elly Kourany-Lefoll, Merck, Switzerland
14:40 Tribendimidine Dose Finding in School-Aged Children Infected with Hookworm, Jean Coulibaly, Université Félix Houphouët-Boigny, Côte d’Ivoire
15:00 Coffee Break
Session 4 – Anthelminthic Drugs and Beyond
Chairs: E. Hürlimann, Swiss TPH and R. Stothard, Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine, UK
15:30 ICE Health Promotion for Helminth Control, Giovanna Raso, Swiss TPH
15:50 Elimination of Urogenital Schistosomiasis in Zanzibar: Results of a 5-Year Multi-Disciplinary Integrated Intervention Approach, Stefanie Knopp, Swiss TPH
16:10 Evaluation of a Novel Treatment Approach for the Treatment of Human Cystic Echinococcosis, Andreas Neumayr, Swiss TPH
16:30 WASH for Accelerating Progress on NTDs – New Frontiers, Yael Velleman, WaterAid, UK
17:00 End of Day 1
Friday, 8 December 2017
Session 5 – Helminth Infection: Pain and Gain
Chairs: O. Fedorova, Siberian State Medical University, Russia and C. King, Case Western Reserve Uni., USA
08:30 Helminth Infections and Cancer: Lessons from Human Liver Flukes, Banchob Sripa, Khon Kaen University, Thailand
09:00 Helminths, Disability and Health-Related Quality of Life, Thomas Fürst, Swiss TPH
09:20 Helminth Infection, Asthma and Diabetes, Maria Yazdanbakhsh, Leiden University Medical Center, The Netherlands
09:40 Tuberculosis and Helminth Co-Infections in Tanzanian Adults, Claudia Daubenberger, Swiss TPH
10:00 Influence of Helminths on Cognition and Physical Activity, Markus Gerber, University of Basel
10:20 Coffee Break
Session 6 – Helminth Transmission
Chairs: S. Knopp and H. Marti, Swiss TPH
10:50 Breaking the Schistosome Life Cycle, David Rollinson, Natural History Museum, UK
11:20 Helminthiasis Risk Profiling in Africa, Penelope Vounatsou, Swiss TPH
11:50 Helminthiasis Mapping and Prediction in Southeast Asia, Peter Odermatt, Swiss TPH
12:10 Opisthorchis viverrini Transmission Models, Nakul Chitnis, Swiss TPH
12:30 COUNTDOWN on WHO 2020 Targets: A Focus on Helminthiasis, Russell Stothard, Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine, UK
13:00 Lunch
Session 7 – From Control to Elimination and Eradication
Chairs: M. Yazdanbakhsh, Leiden Uni. Medical Center, The Netherlands and B. Sripa, Khon Kaen Uni., Thailand
14:00 The Global Programme to Eliminate Lymphatic Filariasis, Jonathan King, WHO, Switzerland
14:30 Schistosomiasis Elimination in China, Guojing Yang, Swiss TPH
14:50 Integrated Control Strategy for Elimination of Mekong Schistosomiasis in Lao PDR, Peter Odermatt, Swiss TPH
15:10 Opisthorchis felineus Control in Siberia, Olga Fedorova, Siberian State Medical University, Russia
15:30 Uniting against NTDs - An Introduction to the Swiss Alliance against Neglected Tropical Diseases (SANTD), Peter Steinmann, Swiss TPH
15:40 Closing Words, Jürg Utzinger, Swiss TPH
16:00 End of Day 2