Women and Gender in Global Health
20 November 2024
Kreuzstrasse 2, 4123 Allschwil, Switzerland
Women's health has evolved from a matter of equity to a critical scientific focus to advance global health. How can we address gaps and integrate gender considerations into policy, technology, and public health initiatives?
We invite you to join experts from academia, public administration, international organisations, and the private sector as we share insights and brainstorm on innovative solutions to improve the health and well-being of women around the globe. Topics will include:
- Innovations in Access to Maternal Health
- Cancer Prevention and Care in Women
- Breaking the Cycle: Health Systems and Gender-Based Violence
- Gender, One Health and Planetary Health
- Biologic and Immunologic Gender Differences
- Menstrual Health Equity
08:45 |
Moderator: Sonja Merten, Swiss TPH
09:15 | Welcome and Setting the Stage, Sonja Merten, Unit Head, Society, Gender and Health, Swiss TPH | |
09:30 | Women and Gender in Global Health: Priorities and Setting the Stage, Pernille Fenger, Director, United Nations Population Fund, Switzerland | |
10:00 | Room Change (15 minutes) |
P1-A: Seminar Room 4 / 10:15-11:15 / Moderator: Leah Bohle, Swiss TPH
- Innovative Digital Solutions for Maternal and Child Health in Tanzania and Zanzibar, Riccardo Lampariello and Hannah McCarrick Mikidadi, D-tree
- From Cash to Care: Impact of Digital Innovations and Cash Transfers on Maternal Health in Makoko, Lagos, Tolulope Fadeyi, University of Basel
- The "New Antenatal Model in Africa and India” Study - a Digital Decision-Making Tool, Maria Barreix, World Health Organization
- Health Vouchers to Reduce Maternal and Infant Mortality in Cameroon, Bruno Galland, BG Consulting
- Digital Solutions for Access to Medical Abortion in Kenya and Rwanda, Natacha Mugeni, YLabs
P1-B: Seminar Room 1 / 10:15-11:15 / Chair: Julia Bohlius, Swiss TPH and Moderator Masa Davidovic, Institute of Primary Health Care, University of Bern
- Cancer in Women Living with HIV in Sub-Saharan Africa: a Care Cascade Approach, Tafadzwa Dhokotera, Swiss TPH
- Preventing Cancer in Women: Experience from the Johannesburg IARC-GICR Centre of Expertise, Mazvita Sengayi-Muchengeti, National Institute for Communicable Diseases, National Cancer Registry, South Africa
- Preventing Lung Cancer in Women: Smoking Cessation, Julian Jakob, University of Bern, Switzerland
- Epidemiology of Cancer in Women in Europe: Trends and Prevention, Michele Matta, International Agency for Research on Cancer, World Health Organization, Switzerland
- Women in Colorectal Cancer Screening: Insights from Implementing Organized Programs in Switzerland, Bianca Albers, University of Zurich, Switzerland
P1-C: Seminar Room 5 / 10:15-11:15 / Moderators: Carmen Sant-Fruchtman and Rebeca Revenga Becedas, Swiss TPH
Breaking the Cycle: Health Systems and Gender-Based Violence
We will examine the health system’s dual role in responding and being shaped by GBV, including its impact on health workers, while critically reflecting on how health systems reinforce social and gender norms that perpetuate violence. A key focus will be the intersection of multiple systems of oppression and their influence on the lived realities of wom*n. This thought-provoking session will challenge assumptions and foster a constructive dialogue on pathways to creating a more equitable and responsive health system.
Roundtable Panellists
- Manjola Veizi, Roma Women Rights Center, Albania
- Jessica Ramirez, International Committee of the Red Cross, Switzerland
- Avni Amin, World Health Organization, Switzerland
- Karin McEvoy, Berner Fachhochschule, Switzerland
P2-A / Seminar Room 4 /11:45-12:45 / Moderator: Andrea Kaiser-Grolimund, Swiss TPH
- A Feminist Lens on One Health, Brigitte Bagnol, Tufts Universtiy
- Sex/Gender Analysis and One Health Approach at the Human-Animal-Ecosystem Interface, Claudia Cataldo, Italian National Institute of Health; Center for Gender Specific Medicine
- Gender and Cultural Aspects in Addressing Infectious Diseases from a One Health Perspective, Salome Bukachi, University of Nairobi, Kenya and Durham University, UK
- Caring for Health in More-Than-Human Worlds: A Feminist Anthropology Perspective, Nolwenn Bühler, Unisanté, University of Lausanne
P2-B / Seminar Room 1 / 11:45-12:45 / Moderator: Jordyn Wallenborn, Swiss TPH
- Human Milk as a Biologic System, Jordyn Wallenborn, Swiss TPH
- Sex/Gender Disparity in Response to Viral Infections and Vaccines, Anna Ruggieri, Italian National Institute of Health; Center for Gender Specific Medicine
- Anemia and Vaccine Responsiveness in Infants and Children in Sub-Saharan Africa, Claudia Daubenberger, Swiss TPH
- Immunological Functions of the Vaginal Microbiome and the Isala Sisterrhood Project, Sandra Condori, University of Antwerp
P2-C / Seminar Room 5 / 11:45-12:45 / Moderator: Janet Michel, Swiss TPH
- Improving Menstrual and Vaginal Health for All, Monica Roxana Ticlla Ccenhua, Swiss TPH
- Menstrual Health Activism in South Africa, Lucy Khofi, University of the Witwatersrand, South Africa
- Menstrual Health and Menopause Converge, Metascha Stierli, Private Practice, Bern, and Flata Mwale, Women in Global Health Zambia and Södertörn University, Sweden
Moderator: Sonja Merten and Janet Michel, Swiss TPH
14:00 | Focus Corners: 9 break-out groups will brainstorm on innovative solutions for research, policy, and implementation, to improve the health and well-being of women worldwide. | |
14:50 | Coffee Break (30 minutes) |
Moderator: Andrea Lucard, Chief Officer Corporate Strategy and Affairs, Medicines for Malaria Venture
15:20 | Mentimeter Survey Results, Janet Michel, Swiss TPH | |
15:40 | Bringing It All Together: Panel Discussion and Q&A, Jana Gerold, Helen Prytherch and Sonja Merten, Swiss TPH | |
16:30 | Research or Evidence to Action: Raising Women’s Health up the Political Agenda, Eszter Kismödi, Chief Executive, Sexual and Reproductive Health Matters | |
17:00 | Closing Words, Kaspar Wyss, Department Head, Swiss Centre for International Health, and Deputy Director, Swiss TPH | |
17:15 | End of Event |
When and where
Date | Wednesday, 20 November 2024 |
Time | 09:15 - 17:15 CEST |
Venue | Swiss TPH Kreuzstrasse 2 4123 Allschwil Switzerland |

Pernille Fenger
Director, Geneva Representation Office, United Nations Population Fund

Andrea Lucard
Chief Officer Corporate Strategy and Affairs, Medicines for Malaria Venture

Eszter Kismödi
Chief Executive, Sexual and Reproductive Health Matters

Bianca Albers
Postdoctoral Researcher, University of Zurich

Avni Amin
Unit Head, Rights, Equality and Wellbeing throughout the Life course , WHO

Leah Bohle
Project Leader, Swiss Centre for International Health, Swiss TPH

Salome R. A. Bukachi
Associate Professor, Anthropology, Gender and African Studies, University of Nairobi

Maša Davidović
Research Fellow, Institute of Primary Health Care, University of Bern

Bruno Galland
BG Consulting

Julian Jakob
Medical Resident, Berner Institut für Hausarztmedizin, University of Bern

Riccardo Lamperiello
CEO, D-tree

Sonja Merten
Unit Head, Society, Gender and Health, Epidemiology and Public Health, Swiss TPH

Natacha Mugeni
Director of Digital Health, Youth Development Labs, Rwanda

Jessica Ramirez Mendoza
Global Lead, Health Care in Danger, International Committee of the Red Cross

Carmen Sant Fruchtman
Senior Scientist, Epidemiology and Public Health, Swiss TPH

Manjola Veizi
Executive Director, Roma Women Rights Center, Albania

Brigittte Bagnol
Anthropologist, Tufts University

Julia Bohlius
Department Head, Education and Training, Swiss TPH

Claudia Cataldo
Senior Researcher, Istituto Superiore di Sanità

Tafadzwa Dhokotera
Postdoctoral Scientist, Epidemiology and Public Health, Swiss TPH

Jana Gerold
Project Leader, Swiss Centre for International Health, Swiss TPH

Lucy Khofi
Doctoral Student, School of Public Health, University of Witwatersrand

Michele Matta
Scientist, International Agency for Research on Cancer, World Health Organisation

Janet Michel
Senior Impact Evaluation Expert, Swiss Centre for International Health, Swiss TPH

Flata Mwale
Global Health Professional, Women in Global Health Zambia

Rebeca Revenga Becedas
Senior Scientist, Epidemiology and Public Health, Swiss TPH

Metascha Stierli
Gynaecology and Obstetrics Specialist, Private Practice, Switzerland

Jordyn Wallenborn
Project Leader, Epidemiology and Public Health, Swiss TPH

Maria Barreix
Technical Officer, World Health Organization

Nolwenn Bühler
Senior Researcher , University of Lausanne, Unisanté

Claudia Daubenberger
Unit Head, Clinical Immunology, Epidemiology and Public Health, Swiss TPH

Tolulope Fadeyi
Universtiy of Basel

Helena Greter
Project Leader, Swiss Center for International Health, Swiss TPH

Andrea Kaiser-Grolimund
Postdoctoral Scientist, Epidemiology and Public Health, Swiss TPH

Hannah McCarrick Mikado
Country Director, Tanzania, D-tree

Mazvita Muchengeti
Department Head, National Cancer Registry, National Health Laboratory Service, South Africa

Helen Prytherch
Unit Head, Systems Strengthening and Health Promotion, Swiss Centre for International Health, Swiss TPH

Anna Ruggieri
Research Manager, Istituto Superiore di Sanità

Monica Ticlla Ccenhua
Postdoctoral Researcher, Epidemiology and Public Health, Swiss TPH

Kaspar Wyss
Deputy Director, Swiss TPH