Zoonoses Control in Humans and Animals - Taking Stock and Future Priorities
Swiss TPH Winter Symposium - 6-7 December 2018 - Parterre Rialto, Basel, Switzerland

More than 60% of human infectious diseases have an animal origin. Join us to explore, learn and share with international zoonoses research experts on the causes and responses to animal-human transmission.
Take part in a rich and intellectually stimulating program of lectures, discussions and debates ranging from the molecular to the global level, from deadly pathogens to health systems, from patients to populations and their socio-economic environments.
- Disease elimination strategies
- Syndromic surveillance and response
- Diagnostic tests
- Molecular epidemiology
- Clinical research
- Patient management
- Control and intervention financing
For further information on Swiss TPH work in this field visit: One Health and Human and Animal Health
Thursday, 6 December 2018
Registration and Welcome
09:00 Registration Opens
09:30 Welcome and Introduction, Jakob Zinsstag, Swiss TPH
Session 1 – On-Going Research
Moderator: Daniel Paris, Swiss TPH
09:45 Burden of Rabies in West- and Central Africa: Options for Control and Elimination, Monique Léchenne, Exeter University, UK
10:10 Towards Brucellosis Control and Elimination, Esther Schelling, Swiss TPH
10:35 Burden and Cost of Echinococcosis in Mongolia, Bolor Bold, National Center for Zoonotic Diseases, Mongolia, and Swiss TPH
11.00 Coffee Break
Session 2 – New Plans
Moderator: Jakob Zinsstag, Swiss TPH
11:30 Zoonotic Trypanosomiasis: Can it be Eliminated?, Sue Welburn, University of Edinburgh, UK
11:55 Rickettsia and the Non-Malaria Fever Complex, Daniel Paris, Swiss TPH
12:20 Leptospirosis and its Complex Ecology, Anou Dreyfus, Swiss TPH
12:45 Lunch
Session 3 – Science Café
14.00 Break-out Sessions
Group 1: Rabies Control and Elimination (Moderators: Bernadette Abela-Ridder and Monique Léchenne)
Group 2: Brucellosis Control and Elimination (Moderators: Jörg Jores and Esther Schelling)
Group 3: Echinococcosis Control and Elimination (Moderators: Paul Torgerson and Bolor Bold)
Group 4: Zoonotic Trypanosomiasis Control (Moderators: Sue Welburn and Pascal Mäser)
Group 5: Rickettsia and Other Rodent-Related Zoonoses (Moderators: Stephen Leib and Daniel Paris)
Group 6: Leptospirosis Control: What is at Stake? (Moderators: Jan Hattendorf and Anou Dreyfus)
Preparation of a short report on key recommendations: 1) general approach for control and elimination; and 2) future focus of research where Swiss TPH and its partners can contribute.
15:30 Coffee Break
Session 4 – Feedback Day 1
Moderator: Jakob Zinsstag, Swiss TPH
16:00 Science Café Conclusions, 5 minutes each group; 30 minutes general discussion
17:00 End of Day 1
Friday, 7 December 2018
Session 5 – Zoonoses Control Tools
Moderator: Esther Schelling, Swiss TPH
09:00 Integrated Human and Animal Disease Surveillance and Response, Fayiz Abakar, Institut de Recherche en Elevage pour le Dévelopement, Chad and Swiss TPH with Yahya Maidane, Jigjiga University, Ethiopia and Swiss TPH
09:25 Trans-Disciplinary Approaches to Zoonoses Control, Monica Berger, Universidad del Valle, Guatemala and Swiss TPH
09:50 Zoonoses, Microbiomes and Non-Communicable Diseases, Nicole Probst-Hensch, Swiss TPH
10:15 Coffee Break
Session 6 – Food-Borne, Viral and Arthropod-Borne Zoonoses
Moderator: Nicole Probst-Hensch, Swiss TPH
10:45 Campylobacter and Salmonella, Daniel Mäusezahl, Swiss TPH
11:10 Emerging Viral Zoonoses (Non-Arthropod-Borne), Isabella Eckerle, University of Geneva
11:35 Arthropod-Borne Zoonoses: How do we Protect Europe?, Giulia Paternoster, University of Zürich
12:00 Lunch
Session 7 – Science Café
13:15 Break-out Sessions
Group 1: Zoonoses Control Tools (Moderators: Fayiz Abakar and Monica Berger)
Group 2: Zoonotic TB Control (Moderators: Rudovick Kazwala and Sonia Borrell)
Group 3: Zoonoses, Microbiomes and NCDs (Moderators: Pascale Vonaesch and Nicole Probst-Hensch)
Group 4: Foodborne Zoonoses Control (Moderators: Gertraud Schüpbach and Daniel Mäusezahl)
Group 5: Emerging Viral Zoonoses: Prevention and Control (Moderators: Blaise Genton and Isabella Eckerle)
Group 6: Integrated Surveillance and Response Systems (Moderators: Giulia Paternoster and Yahya Maidane)
Preparation of a short report on key recommendations: 1) general approach for control and elimination; and 2) future focus of research where Swiss TPH and its partners can contribute.
14:45 Coffee Break
Session 8 – Feedback Day 2
Moderator: Jakob Zinsstag, Swiss TPH
15:15 Science Café Conclusions, 5 minutes each group; 30 minutes general discussion
16:00 Closing Words, Jürg Utzinger, Swiss TPH
16:15 End of Symposium
Rudolf Geigy Award Ceremony
Moderator: Marcel Tanner, President R. Geigy-Stiftung
16:30 10th Rudolf Geigy Award Winner, Stella Hartinger-Peña
17:30 Cocktails