Expert Committee Memberships
In our efforts of taking science to impact, we also aim to inform relevant health policy. Many of our employees are members of panels, committees and boards, providing expert advice on a wide range of topics. For example, we advise Swiss federal commissions and international organisations such as the WHO on evidence-based health policy.
Sabina Beatrice | Swiss Malaria Group (SMG) |
Leah Bohle | Medical Anthropology Switzerland (MAS); Parlamentarische Gruppe sexuelle Gesundheit und Rechte; Sexual and Reproductive Health Group, Medicus Mundi Switzerland |
Christian Burri | Editorial Board Tropical Medicine and Infectious Disease (MDPI); EU Global Health European and Developing Countries Clinical Trials Partnership (EDCTP3) Joint Undertaking - Stakeholder Group; Member Project Advisory Committee Clinical Trial on Treatment of Children Infected with Human African Trypanosomiasis with Acoziborole (DNDi ACOZI-KIDS); WHO Expert Advisory Panel on Parasitic Diseases - human African trypanosomiasis |
Daniel Cobos | Health Data Collaborative (HDC); Co-Lead European Hub of the System Thinking Accelerator (SYSTAC); WHO Reference Group for Verbal Autopsy; Head WHO Collaborating Center for Verbal Autopsy (WHO VA) |
Marloes Eeftens | Swiss Commission for Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics (ACP); Beratende Expertengruppe nicht-ionisierende Strahlung (BERENIS); President of the Swiss Society of Aerobiology (SGA/SSA); Swiss Young Academy (SYA); Scientific and Organizing Committee, ETH Nanoparticles Conference (ETH NPH) |
Sébastian Gagneux | Stop TB Alliance, New Diagnostics Working Group, Next Generation Sequencing Task Force |
Helena Greter | Board of the Swiss Society for Tropical Medicine and Parasitology (SSTMP); Public Health Working Group of the SSTMP |
Karin Gross | tropEd: Network for Education in International Health |
Iris Haueter | Institut für Führung und Psychologie (IFP) |
Manuel Hetzel | Swiss Malaria Group (President); BC Executive Committee, PNG Institute of Medical Research; Buttressing Coalition, PNG Institute of Medical Research (BC); Fakultätsversammlung Phil Nat Uni Basel; WHO Malaria Policy Advisory Committee (MPAG); Zanzibar Malaria Elimination Advisory Committee |
Jennifer Keiser | WHO Advisory Group on Soil-Transmitted Helminthiasis and Schistosomiasis Control and Elimination |
Stefanie Knopp | Board of the Swiss Society for Tropical Medicine and Parasitology (SSTMP) |
Esther Künzli | Expert Committee for Travel Medicine (ECTM); Associate editor, New Microbes and New Infections (NMNI) |
Meltem Kutlar Joss | Eidgenössischen Kommission für Lufthygiene EKL; Associate at International Society for Environmental Epidemiology Europe Chapter ISEE-Europe |
Monique Léchenne | United Against Rabies Forum (UARF); Gavi, the vaccine alliance -rabies vaccines for post exposure prophylaxis coordination team (Gavi Rabies PEP committee) |
Pascal Mäser | Extended Board, Swiss Academy of Sciences (scnat); Foundation Board, Basler Stiftung für Experimentelle Zoologie (SEZ); Foundation Board, Emilia Guggenheim-Schnurr Foundation (EGS); Platform Science and Regions (President); Steering Committee, Naturforschende Gesellschaft Basel (NGIB); Working Group Molecular Parasitology, Swiss Society of Tropical Medicine and Parasitology (SSTMP) |
Daniel Mäusezahl | Advisory Board, Campylobacter Plattform des Bundes; Advisory board, Swiss Pathogen Surveillance Platform (SPSP); European Study Group on Legionella (ESGLI); Expertengruppe Legionellen |
Sonja Merten | Eidgenössische Kommission für Familienfragen (EKFF); Eidgenössische Kommission für Fragen zu sexuell übertragbaren Infektionen (EKSI) |
Sarah Moore | WHO Global Malaria Program (GMP) |
Andreas Neumayr | Expert Committee Travel Medicine Switzerland (ECTM); Swiss Society for Tropical and Travel Medicine (SSTTM); Steering Committee at LeishMan (European Working Group on Leishmaniasis); WHO Advisory Group on Ultrasound in Schistosomiasis; Bundesamt für Gesundheit Arbeitsgruppe Vektoren |
Beatrice Nickel | Coordination Commission for Clinical Microbiology (CCCM) of the Swiss Society of Microbiology (SSM); Diagnostic Commission for Medical Parasitology (DCMP) of the Swiss Society of Topical Medicine and Parasitology (SSTMP); Fachexpertin im Bereich Mikrobiologie für die Schweizerische Akkreditierungsstelle (SAS), SECO; Die Medizinischen Laboratorien der Schweiz (FAMH); Swiss Echinococcosis Network, Alveolar Echinococcosis in Switzerland (SECO) |
Christian Nsanzabana | Scientific Program Committee, American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene (ASTMH) |
Daniel Paris | Advisory Council of the Centre Suisse d'Electronique et de Microtechnique (CSEM); Board of Trustees, Ifakara Health Institute (IHI); Eidgenössische Kommission für Impffragen (EKIF) |
Gerd Pluschke | Selection Committee for the Georg Forster Research Fellowship Program of the Humboldt Foundation |
Nicole Probst-Hensch | Consortium Ecological Transformation of Healthcare in Switzerland (ETHICH); Eidgenössische Arbeitskommission (EAK); Board, Swiss Academy of Medical Sciences (SAMW) |
Helen Prytherch | Advisory Board Private Sector Partnerships in Health in Somalia (PSPH Somalia); Board, Medicus Mundi Schweiz (MMS); Co-Chair of Women in Global Health, Swiss Chapter; Chair of Board CRED Foundation, Romania |
Martina Ragettli | Kommission Environmental Public Health, Umweltbundesamt Deutschland und Robert Koch Institut |
Martin Röösli | Committee Non-ionizing Radiation (A6) of the German Radiation Protection Commission (SSK); Member of Working Group 2 Environmental and Occupational Risks for the Update of the European Code Against Cancer, 5th edition, International Agency for Research on Cancer (ECAC5, IARC); Scientific Committee 8-1 and Program Area Committee Nonionizing Radiation, Bethesda, USA, National Council on Radiation Protection NCRP, (SC 8-1 and PAC 8); Advisor of the Health Risks of Air Pollution in Europe (HRAPIE-2) project (WHO Europe) |
Amanda Ross | Local Organising Committee for the 46th Conference of the International Society for Clinical Biostatistics (Basel, 2025) |
Marie-Therese Ruf | Diagnostic Commission for Medical Parasitology (DCMP, SSTMP); Die Medizinischen Laboratorien der Schweiz (FAMH); Swiss Echinococcosis Network, Alveolar Echinococcosis in Switzerland (SECO) |
Peter Steinmann | Chair of the Global Partnership for Zero Leprosy (GPZL); Leprosy Research Initiative Steering Committee (LRI); Review panel of the Stanley Thomas Johnson Foundation (STJF); Review panel Reckitt Global Hygiene Institute (RGHI); Präsident der Basler Leprahilfe; Foundation board member of Fairmed |
Marco Tamborrini | Studiengruppe für Gesundheitsschutz in Industrie, Dienstleistung und Gewerbe (SGIG); Swiss Biosafety Network (SBNet) |
Jürg Utzinger | R. Geigy-Stiftung (President); Conseil d’Administration du Centre Suisse de Recherches Scientifiques (CSRS); Wissenschaftlicher Beirat, Bernhard-Nocht-Institut für Tropenmedizin |
Danielle Vienneau | Council, International Society for Environmental Epidemiology Europe Chapter (ISEE-Europe); European Educational Programme in Epidemiology (EEPE); Goldsmith Award, International Society for Environmental Epidemiology (Chair); International Commission on Biological Effects of Noise (Chair); International Society for Environmental Epidemiology (ISEE); International Society for Environmental Epidemiology Europe Chapter (ISEE-Europe) |
Till Voss | Steering Group, BioMalPar Annual Conference; Teaching Committee Biology |
Benedikt Wicki | Eidgenössische Kommission für Lärmbekämpfung (EKLB) |
Kaspar Wyss | Program Committee Geneva Health Forum (GHF); Board Member, Swiss School of Public Health (SSPH+); Advisory Board Medicus Mundi Schweiz (MMS Switzerland) |
Jakob Zinsstag | Member term II of the One Health High-Level Expert Panel (OHHLEP); CABI One Health CABI One Health (Chair); Jury in Ludwig Boltzmann Gesellschaft (LBI); Science Advice for Policy by European Academies (Co-Chair); Swiss Patronage Committee, Global Animal Law (GAL) |