Photo: Olivier Brandenberg/Swiss TPH

Arthropod Testing Facility

Swiss TPH has long-standing expertise in evaluating vector control tools for public health. We test the efficacy of repellents, insecticides and active ingredients with new behavioural modes of action. In addition, we assess the efficacy of deployment strategies and insect-interfering devices.

New Modern Facilities

In our specialised BSL-2 and BSL-3 facilities, we rear a range of arthropod vectors and perform efficacy testing according to internationally recognised standards. Our facilities include a large free-flight room with a 3D video tracking setup and specialised equipment such as olfactometers and isolators for working with pathogen-infected mosquitoes. We also offer semi-field and field trials in collaboration with our African partner institutions.

In-House Specialists

Our in-house experts in medical entomology, epidemiology, statistics, molecular biology and mathematical modelling guide every project step – from research and innovation to market registration.

International Network

Our close link to international organisations and key players in the vector control landscape ensure smooth project realisation.

Our Services

Approved by Swiss TPH

Our quality trademark is awarded to products that have been tested and recommended by Swiss TPH.