Health Impact Assessment Services
We understand and apply the best international and sector-specific standards. Our HIA are used as evidence-based decision-support tools to efficiently mitigate and manage health risks and promote health opportunities.
Our services include:
- HIA & integrated impact assessments
- Community health management plans
- Health impact monitoring and evaluation
- Secondary data analysis and literature reviews
- Epidemiological, population-based studies and surveys
- Health risk assessments applying a range of quantitative, semi-quantitative and qualitative methods
- Health facility assessments
- HIA quality reviews and audits
- Scientific reporting
- HIA teaching and training
Selected Projects
Health Impact Assessment for the GTA LNG project

Swiss TPH conducted the Health Impact Assessment (HIA) for Phase 1 of the Grand Tortue Ahmeyim (GTA) liquefied natural gas project, located on the maritime border between Mauritania and Senegal. Potential impacts of the project on community health were identified, accompanied by appropriate mitigation and health promotion measures. Read more
Scoping study on gene drive use in malaria-transmitting mosquitoes in West Africa

Genetically modified mosquitoes have great potential for malaria control. Together with the University of Liverpool, Swiss TPH carried out a Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) scoping study on the potential use of Anopheles mosquitoes containing a gene drive construct aimed to suppress populations of malaria vector mosquitoes. The objectives were to increase knowledge of the potential environmental, social, and human health impacts of gene drive mosquito releases, raise awareness of genetic control tools for malaria among policy makers, and review regulatory frameworks for malaria control and genetically modified organisms in 15 West African countries. Read more
Health Impact Assessment of essential services in the Gaza Strip

On behalf of the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC), Swiss TPH conducted a comprehensive Health Impact Assessment (HIA) of the integrated essential services – water supply, food supply, wastewater management and energy – in the Gaza Strip to understand what interventions are needed to improve public health. The HIA included extensive data collection on living conditions, health behaviours, biomarkers and environmental exposures, the results of which were fed into a multi-stakeholder engagement process.
Risk management and climate resilience in Philippine prisons

The Philippines, one of the world's most disaster-prone countries, is facing worsening climate disasters such as typhoons, floods, and earthquakes, putting prisons at heightened risk and raising health concerns for people deprived of their liberty. The Bureau of Jail Management and Penology (BJMP), together with the ICRC, has integrated climate risk considerations into its operations, using prison susceptibility maps to enhance resilience. Swiss TPH supported these efforts by refining risk assessments to better integrate health protection, enabling improved planning, mitigation, and response to protect detainees from natural hazards. Read more