The Vector Resource Platform (VRP)

The Vector Resource Platform (VRP) is a shared service hub formed by three internationally recognised institutions: the Centre Suisse de Recherche Scientifique (CSRS) in Côte d'Ivoire, the Ifakara Health Institute (IHI) in Tanzania, and the Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute (Swiss TPH) in Switzerland. By combining their expertise and infrastructure, the VRP offers a one-stop solution for high-quality evaluations of new vector control products. Serving private industry, product development partnerships, and regulatory bodies, including WHO prequalification, the VRP is a trusted partner for comprehensive product testing and evaluation.

The VRP covers all needs from the laboratory to the field, ensuring that clients receive end-to-end support in the development and assessment of vector control products. We provide our clients with a comprehensive service portfolio, guaranteeing timely delivery and exceptional quality in reporting and data analysis. With advanced technical and scientific expertise across all three sites, a strong commitment to capacity building within our partner institutions, and a unique collaborative network spanning Europe, East and West Africa, we stand out in the vector control landscape. Our dedication to delivering reliable, innovative solutions for effective vector control strategies positions us as a leader in driving measurable impact on global public health outcomes.

We provide high quality, independent and timely services for research and development of vector control products.

Product class

Research and Development

Laboratory studies

Experimental hut studies

Semi-field bioassays and small-scale field trials

Community entomological trials

Insecticide treated nets (ITNs)

Indoor residual sprays (IRS)

Space sprays




Spatial and topical repellents


Treated clothing


Attractive targeted sugar baits

Mosquito traps

Legend: orange = CSRS, green = IHI, red = Swiss TPH 

Available mosquito species for testing among all VRP partners







Type of resistance


An. gambiae

Yes  Yes 




An. funestus

No Yes  Metabolic Yes

An. coluzzii

No Yes  Metabolic Yes

An. arabiensis

No Yes  Metabolic No
An. stephensi No Yes  Suspected metabolic No
Ae. aegypti Yes  No N/A Yes

Ae. albopictus

Yes  No N/A Yes

Culex sp.

Yes  Yes  Metabolic Yes

Legend: orange = CSRS, green = IHI, red = Swiss TPH 

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